Latest News and Top Stories

America’s Distortion of the History of the 20th Century: “The Legacy of World War II and the Holocaust” By Dr. David Stea, July 02, 2024
Kenia: Estallido social contra el ajuste fiscal para pagarle al FMI By Unidad Internacional de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores – Cuarta Internacional, July 02, 2024
Canada Day 2024: America’s Insidious Plan to Invade Canada and Bomb Montreal, Vancouver, Halifax and Quebec City (1930-39) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 01, 2024
A Note on the Psychology of Groups in Our Covidian Times By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, July 01, 2024
Macron’s Risky Strategy Failed: France’s Political Future Turning Right By Ahmed Adel, July 01, 2024
Breakthrough Study Uncovers ‘Off Switch’ for COVID mRNA Shots By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 01, 2024
The Resurrection of French Nationalism? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 01, 2024
Why Is NATO Suddenly Backing Off in the Black Sea? By Drago Bosnic, July 01, 2024
“I am Not Made for War”: More and More Ukrainians Don’t Want to Go to the Front By Ahmed Adel, July 01, 2024
Confronting NATO’s War Summit in Washington By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, July 01, 2024
The System of Elections in the USA and Political Parties By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, July 01, 2024
Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Transgender Hormones and Surgery in Children By Dr. Peter McCullough, July 01, 2024
Cancer Success Stories: Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer – Fenbendazole Protocol Shrinking Tumors and Dropping Cancer Markers By Dr. William Makis, July 01, 2024
Trump Advisers Present Plan to Push Ukraine Into Peace Talks with Russia By Ahmed Adel, July 01, 2024
Israeli Plan to Prevent a Palestinian State By Steven Sahiounie, July 01, 2024
Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate”, False Flags, The Deaths of Children … and the Escalation of Warfare By Mark Taliano, July 01, 2024
A Palestinian Wedding in Jordan, a Wake for Israel By Rima Najjar, July 01, 2024
In Europe, New Opposition (“Right Wing”) Nationalist Forces Could Change the Political Course By Patrick Poppel, July 01, 2024
Assange’s Return to Australia: The Resentment of the Hacks By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 01, 2024
Childhood Vaccine Injuries: HPV Gardasil Vaccine Caused Two Sisters to Have Infertility By Dr. William Makis, July 01, 2024