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33% Agree COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’. Survey By Dr. William Makis, July 08, 2024
Minors Taking Guns in Ukraine While Terrorists Enter Europe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 08, 2024
Juneteenth to Freedom Summer. The 60th Anniversary of the African-American Civil Rights Movement During 1964 By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 08, 2024
¡Alto A La Invasión De Los Océanos! By Mouris Salloum George, July 08, 2024
In Westminster at Last: The Threat of Nigel Farage By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 08, 2024
WEF’s Klaus Schwab Crossing the Line on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination. Exposed by WSJ By Peter Koenig, July 08, 2024
Ucrânia agrava os seus ataques ao ZNPP, ferindo pessoal e destruindo maquinaria. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 07, 2024
Menores pegam em armas na Ucrânia enquanto terroristas entram na Europa By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 07, 2024
The West’s Lunatic Woke Agenda By Stephen Karganovic, July 07, 2024
Commemorating Nakba, 76 years Ago: Palestine Apartheid, Stolen Lives and Land, History Erased, United Nations Deaf Mute. Felicity Arbuthnot By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 07, 2024
Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”. Global Debt and Neoliberal “Shock Treatment” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 07, 2024
Bomb Cyclones and Atmospheric Rivers: Is Someone Messing with the Weather? By F. William Engdahl, July 07, 2024
“Democratization” and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols Become “The New Normal” By Julie Lévesque, July 07, 2024
Our Identity as Homo Sapiens Threatened by Synthetic Biology, Humans Fiddle While Humanity Burns, Will It be Near-Term Death or Transhuman Slavery? By Robert J. Burrowes, July 07, 2024
From Ukraine to World War III: Waiting for the Spark to Light the Nuclear Inferno By Michael Welch, Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, and Drago Bosnic, July 07, 2024
Evisceration of the United Nations Security Council. A Historical Analysis. The Gulf War By Carla Stea, July 07, 2024
The Smell of War Versus a Fresh Breeze of Peace and Cooperation? By Peter Koenig, July 07, 2024
“No Guerra-No NATO”. The Florence 2019 Declaration: Our Message to the July 2024 Washington NATO Summit. “NATO EXIT” By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, July 06, 2024
How the Israeli Army Benefits from US Tax Law By Philip Giraldi, July 06, 2024
This Is What Genocide Looks Like By Mark Taliano, July 06, 2024