Latest News and Top Stories

From COVID-19 to Synthetic Design: Forcing a Shift to the Genetic Modification of Humans By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 10, 2024
Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign By Megan Russell, July 10, 2024
U.S. Plan to “Expand the War Beyond Ukraine”: NATO Buildup in Finland Puts Hostile Anti-Russia Army on Putin’s Doorstep By Mike Whitney, July 10, 2024
Dr. Francis Boyle Provides Affidavit: COVID 19 mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction By Dr. Joseph Sansone, July 10, 2024
Trendy Appointments: Australia’s Special Antisemitism Envoy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 10, 2024
Kiev Still Wants a New Counteroffensive. “Push back the Evil Russians” By Drago Bosnic, July 09, 2024
What Is the “Horrible and Evil Thing” in Historical Palestine? By Kim Petersen, July 09, 2024
Childhood Vaccine Injury: 18 Months Old Died Weeks After Childhood Vaccinations (MMRV + DTaP) By Rajni Sharma, July 09, 2024
Reviving Abandoned and Depopulated Rural Communities By Bharat Dogra, July 09, 2024
An Honest Witness: John Pilger on Truth-Telling in the Era of Mainstream Media ‘Fake News’ By Michael Welch and John Pilger, July 09, 2024
Military Grade Propaganda Campaign Helped Sell Fraudulent Narrative About COVID-19 By Jeremy Kuzmarov, July 09, 2024
Still a Negative Case? Japan’s Changing Refugee Policy in the Face of New Geopolitical Challenges By Maximilien Xavier Rehm, July 09, 2024
Counting the Dead in Gaza: Difficult But Essential. “186,000 or Even More Deaths”. The Lancet By Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee, and Salim Yusuf, July 09, 2024
The French Fraudulent Disaster Elections. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, July 09, 2024
Ukraine Continues Attacks on Energodar Nuclear Power Facility, Is Kiev’s Intent to Create “Nuclear Terror” and Blame it on Russia? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 08, 2024
Dr. Charles Hoffe Denounces the Covid Vaccine: “Biggest Disaster in Medical History”. Confronts College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC By Lee Turner, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Mark Trozzi, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 08, 2024
Gaza: Thousands of Dead Bodies Still Missing Under the Rubble, with No International Action By Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, July 08, 2024
Lancet Warns Gaza Death Toll Could be Over 186,000 By Andre Damon, July 08, 2024
Saved from Drowning: From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life By Julian Rose, July 08, 2024
Childhood Vaccine Injury: 5 Years Old Had Been Vaccinated Against Influenza A and Developed “Flu” Days Before Sudden Death By Dr. William Makis, July 08, 2024