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Simple Math demonstrate that the Official 9/11 Account is a Fabrication By Elias Davidsson, April 29, 2004
US Middle East Policy: Heedless But Unequivocal By Ramzy Baroud, April 24, 2004
Bush appoints a Terrorist as US Ambassador to Iraq By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 24, 2004
Will the 2004 Election Be Called Off? By Maureen Farrell, April 21, 2004
Japan and China Tensions and Washington’s Asia Geopolitics By F. William Engdahl, April 02, 2004
The Use of Rwanda’s External Debt (1990-1994) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Pierre Galand, March 30, 2004
The Destabilization of Haiti By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 29, 2004
World Bank Oversees Carve-Up of Congo Rainforests By Global Research, February 13, 2004
9/11, ASHCROFT KNEW: HILLARY CLINTON By Global Research, February 12, 2004
Haitian People Forced to Pay Ten Years Back Pay to the Brutal Military By Marguerite Laurent, January 06, 2004
Bush will lose in Iraq By W.L. Floyd, January 06, 2004
Iraq: Death in Fallujah rising, doctors say By Global Research, January 05, 2004
The crime of war: from Nuremberg to Fallujah By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 05, 2004
The Ukraine Equation By Veronica Bicer, January 03, 2004
Continuous Seismic Activity Recorded in Northern Sumatra and Nicobar Islands since December 26 By Global Research, January 01, 2004
Col. Hickey tells his troops to keep QUIET regarding Arrest of Saddam, By Global Research, December 19, 2003
Declassified Documents: Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein By Global Research, December 17, 2003
Nato War Crimes & the Milosevic Trial: Propaganda System Number One By Edward S. Herman, December 15, 2003
BBC Interview on the “War on Terrorism” By Steve Briks, November 25, 2003
Enjoy The Police State (Comedy) By Stephen Colbert, November 17, 2003