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Teflon Tyrants: After Pinochet, Prosecute Kissinger By Roger Burbach and Paul Cantor, December 17, 2004
The oil-for-food ‘scandal’ is a cynical smokescreen By Scott Ritter, December 17, 2004
Neo-Nazi Organizations in the Ukraine By Liudmila Dymerskaya-Tsigelman and Leonid Finberg, December 17, 2004
NATO’s secret armies linked to terrorism? By Dr. Daniele Ganser, December 15, 2004
More on the Florida Election Software Controversy By Kim Zetter, December 14, 2004
The Global Energy Market in the Long Term By Peter Odell, December 14, 2004
Baghdad Burning By Global Research, December 14, 2004
Canadian Government blocks Torture Charges against Bush By Michael Mandel and Gail Davidson, December 13, 2004
Gary Webb – Pulitzer Prize Winner,Author Of Dark Alliance CIA-Drug Series Dead Of Reported Suicide By Michael C. Ruppert, December 13, 2004
Assassination of US Investigative Journalist Gary Webb? By Xymphora, December 13, 2004
Kosovo – the site of a genocide that never was By John Pilger, December 13, 2004
Kosovo: A Prime Minister with a Kalashnikov By Renate Flottau, December 13, 2004
Aggressive war: then and now By Luciana Bohne, December 12, 2004
George W. Bush: The Boss Has Gone Crazy By Uri Avnery, December 11, 2004
Suing the American military … Halli Baba By Imad Khadduri, December 11, 2004
Home Cooking By Chris Floyd, December 10, 2004
Premeditated Death and Destruction unleashed against a Sovereign Nation and People By Niloufer Bhagwat, December 10, 2004
Interview With God: God Returns! America Saved! Supports Bush 100 Percent By John Stanton, December 10, 2004
Call on the German Federal Prosecutor to Investigate Rumsfeld and Other U.S. Officials for War Crimes at Abu Ghraib By Global Research, December 10, 2004
Another Neo-Con Imperial Plot: Who’s behind the Oil-for-Food Scandal? By Jude Wanniski, December 10, 2004