Latest News and Top Stories

Lebanese Opposition to Putin: US-Israeli policies putting Lebanon on knife edge of “New Middle East” By Leila Mazboudi, December 15, 2006
La búsqueda de la seguridad por medio de las fortificaciones, la vigilancia de fronteras y los muros; Una ilusión By Prof. Jules Dufour, December 15, 2006
Omissions In the Iraq Study Group Report By Stephen Lendman, December 15, 2006
What Is Lebanon? By Mohammad Ghazal and Charles Hawley, December 14, 2006
Saudi Arabia: Middle East on brink of exploding and GCC intends to go Nuclear By Ran Wei, December 14, 2006
Mourning for Pinochet — US establishment shows its affinity for fascism By Bill Van Auken, December 14, 2006
Beyond Orwell and Kafka By Gabriele Zamparini, December 13, 2006
Kuwait signs security agreement with NATO By Global Research, December 12, 2006
The Harper Government and Canada’s ‘War-on-Terror’ Immigration Policy By Prof Michael Keefer, December 12, 2006
Russian military deploys new intercontinental ballistic missile By Global Research, December 12, 2006
Israel claims Syria is preparing for War By Global Research, December 12, 2006
The Middle East: Mounting Crisis in escalating Chaos By Hasan Abu Nimah, December 12, 2006
Iraq: Abduction of Women on the Rise By Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily, December 12, 2006
2001 Anthrax attack on US Congress made by scientists and covered up by FBI, expert says By Sherwood Ross, December 12, 2006
Lebanese Christian MP: ‘pro-US government is responsible for the Crisis’ By Global Research, December 11, 2006
Québec Solidaire Adopts a Program for Government : New left party debates election platform By Richard Fidler, December 11, 2006
Hudna or Not: Palestinian Rights Must Be Preserved By Ramzy Baroud, December 11, 2006
The struggle for power in Lebanon and the Middle East By Richard Becker, December 10, 2006
Images of the Lebanese Opposition’s Protests in Beirut By Global Research, December 10, 2006
Message to the People of Lebanon By General Michel Aoun, December 10, 2006