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Targeting Tehran: US-Israeli Military Plan formulated in 2001 By Galal Nassar, December 27, 2006
The Meaning of the UNSC Iran Vote: Were Russia and China given private assurances by Bush? By Jorge Hirsch, December 26, 2006
Lebanese Prime Minister and Olmert had a secret meeting in Egypt after Israeli attacks on Lebanon By Global Research, December 26, 2006
The Great Game on a razor’s edge By M. K. Bhadrakumar, December 26, 2006
Palestinian spokesmen charges Abbas with planning military coup against Palestinian Authority By Global Research, December 25, 2006
Washington’s Game in Turkmenistan By Mike Whitney, December 25, 2006
Gates visited Baghdad to quell US soldiers mutiny in Anbar, US imminent attack on Ramadi soon By Global Research, December 25, 2006
The US Secret Bioweapons Program By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 25, 2006
Iraq Study Group Co-Chairman James Baker has Links to Bin Laden Family By Global Research, December 25, 2006
Does George W. Bush have a Grasp of Key Foreign Policy Issues? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 25, 2006
Iran criticizes hypocrisy of Security Council over Israeli WMDs By Global Research, December 25, 2006
Iraqi Hopes Dim Through Worst Year of Occupation By Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily, December 23, 2006
Middle East Peace Process: Stagnation by Design By Ramzy Baroud, December 23, 2006
The Myth of Nuclear Disarmament By Alexander Timoshik, December 23, 2006
Resource warfare intensifies across “Grand Chessboard” and Horn of Africa By Larry Chin, December 23, 2006
Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles By Paul Joseph Watson, December 23, 2006
VIDEO: The “War on Terrorism” is a Fabrication By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 22, 2006
A “Québécois Nation”? Harper Fuels an Important Debate By Richard Fidler, December 22, 2006
North American Union: “New 9/11 crisis could be catalyst to merge U.S., Mexico & Canada.” By Global Research, December 22, 2006
UN poised to pass Iran sanctions despite threat By Global Research, December 22, 2006