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Iranian Security Council Secretary-General: Iran poses no threat to Israel By Global Research, February 12, 2007
EU states knew and helped rendition CIA flights in Europe By Global Research, February 12, 2007
Cuba Denounces US-EU Coup Plans By Global Research, February 12, 2007
Turkmenistan Needs to Choose its Friends Carefully By Global Research, February 12, 2007
Venezuela Gives “Condi” Rice Nightmares By Circles Robinson, February 12, 2007
Russians warn against Kosovo independence By Mu Xuequan, February 12, 2007
Galvanise The Second Superpower, Tun Dr. Mahathir Tells The World By Global Research, February 12, 2007
Russia Questions U.S. Military Buildup In Mideast By Global Research, February 12, 2007
Breaking News: Americans caught with Iranian Weapons in Iraq By Mashuqur Rahman, February 11, 2007
Russia’s Putin talks U.S. Missile Defense, NATO, Iran in Munich By Global Research, February 11, 2007
“Continental Prosperity in the New Security Environment”: . What was discussed behind closed doors., By Judicial Watch, February 11, 2007
It is no use blaming Iran for the Insurgency in Iraq By Patrick Cockburn, February 11, 2007
Iranian diplomat kidnapped in Baghdad: another US provocation? By Peter Symonds, February 11, 2007
The ‘Bush Doctrine’ and Weapons in Space By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 11, 2007
The Universal, Indivisible Character of Global Security By Pres. Vladimir Putin, February 11, 2007
‘NYT’ Reporter Who Got Iraqi WMDs Wrong Now Highlights Iran Claims By Greg Mitchell, February 11, 2007
Putin slams US, NATO for threatening global security By Global Research, February 11, 2007
Putin blasts U.S. for ‘very dangerous’ foreign policies By Global Research, February 11, 2007
Fresh doubts over 9/11 acknowledged by mainstream British press By Global Research, February 11, 2007
Tehran: ‘US is within our firing range’ By Global Research, February 11, 2007