Latest News and Top Stories

Venezuela: Human Development and Practice By Prof. Michael A. Lebowitz, June 14, 2007
“Non-Lethal Weapons”: Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A ‘Gay Bomb’ By Global Research, June 14, 2007
It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun By Richard C. Cook, June 14, 2007
Omar Khadr By Global Research, June 14, 2007
Palestine: “I was not prepared for all the horrors that I saw” By Silvia Cattori, June 13, 2007
Reviewing Noam Chomsky’s New Book: “Interventions” By Stephen Lendman, June 13, 2007
Canada’s No-fly List: a False Sense of National Security By Faisal Kutty, June 13, 2007
Repression in Oaxaca : One Year Anniversary of State’s Bloody Attack on Popular Movements By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 12, 2007
Gaza Drowns in Blood because of the Conflict between Fatah and Hamas Movements By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, June 12, 2007
From Hiroshima to Iraq, 61 years of uranium wars By Leuren Moret, June 12, 2007
International aid and economy still failing sub-Saharan Africa. By Rajesh Makwana, June 12, 2007
Serbian President: US has no right to give away Serbian Territory to Albanians By Global Research, June 12, 2007
Putin and Sarkozy discuss Cooperation in Aeronautic and Defence Production By Global Research, June 12, 2007
‘Cleansing’ the Two-state ‘Vision’ in Jerusalem By Nicola Nasser, June 12, 2007
Putin’s Censored Press Conference By Mike Whitney, June 11, 2007
Russian President Putin Interviewed by Journalists from G8 Countries By Global Research, June 11, 2007
First Strike against Russia: The Real Danger behind US ABM Deployment in Eastern Europe By Chimes of Freedom, June 11, 2007
Lame G8 outcome betrays the poor and their own citizens By Global Call to Action against Poverty, June 11, 2007
VIDEO: Canada and the Afghan War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 10, 2007
Killing the Palestinians By Sonja Karkar, June 10, 2007