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The War on Terror and the Fate of US Democracy By Joseph Kishore, May 28, 2013
The “Measures of Academic Progress” (MAP) Test in American High Schools By Dylan Murphy, May 28, 2013
European Powers Lift Embargo, Move to Arm Syrian Opposition. Direct Military Support to Al Nusra Terrorists By Johannes Stern, May 28, 2013
Greece: the Challenges for the Left and the Need for a Radical Strategy By Panagiotis Sotiris, May 28, 2013
More War, “Kill Courts” at Home. The Real Meaning of Obama’s National Security Speeches By Rep. Ron Paul, May 28, 2013
Freedom of the Cuban Five By Global Research News, May 28, 2013
Diet Drinks: America’s Passion for Poison By Charles Foerster, May 28, 2013
Poor Utilization of the Land Behind Food Shortages in Venezuela By Global Research News, May 27, 2013
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: The 20th Anniversary of an Illegal Court By Alexander Mezyaev, May 27, 2013
The Extrajudicial Assassinations of American Citizens: Its Official and its “Legal” By RT, May 27, 2013
From Iraq a Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the War Criminals By John Pilger, May 27, 2013
Report on Syria – Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire: “The Syrian State is Under a Proxy War Led by Foreign Countries” By Mairead Maguire, May 27, 2013
Japanese Share Sell-off a Sign of Growing Financial Instability By Nick Beams, May 27, 2013
Escalation and US-NATO Military Intervention in Syria? War spreads to Lebanon By Thomas Gaist, May 27, 2013
Latin America’s Social Movements and the ALBA Alliance By Federico Fuentes, May 27, 2013
Obama Speaks: Drone Warfare and Counterterrorism By Chris Cole, May 27, 2013
Sweden Rebellions Reveal Deepening Racial and Class Divisions By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2013
The Need to Work for Peace On the Korean Peninsula By Socialist Project, May 27, 2013
Millions Rally around the World in March Against Monsanto By Mike Adams, May 27, 2013
President’s Obama’s Promise: Global War on Terror to Continue, with Fresh Makeup. Assassinating People Prevents Them From Attacking Us By William Boardman, May 27, 2013