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Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 08, 2013
Week in Review: Bilderberg Secrecy and the Surveillance State By Global Research and Global Research, June 07, 2013
America’s Economic War against the People of Iran: Obama Signs Executive Order Targeting Iran’s Currency and Auto Industry By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 07, 2013
America’s “Secret Fukushima”: Uranium Mining is Poisoning the Bread Basket of the World By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, June 07, 2013
The Cruel Persecution of Lynne Stewart: Jailed for the “Crime” of Being the Lawyer of an Alleged Terrorist By Barry Sheppard, June 07, 2013
Did An Israel Lobby Front Group Organize McCain’s Trip To Syria? By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, June 07, 2013
Syria: Israel Is Losing the Battle By Gilad Atzmon, June 07, 2013
Repressing “Un-American Activities”: The Historical Roots of Today’s Homeland Surveillance State By Greg Guma, June 07, 2013
Washington’s “Dual Imperial Strategy” in Latin America: Breakdown of the Colombia-Venezuela -FARC Peace Process By Prof. James Petras, June 07, 2013
Syria’s Fake Sectarian War, Triggered by Washington By Shamus Cooke, June 07, 2013
US Drone Attacks controlled from Military Bases in Germany By Ulrich Rippert, June 07, 2013
“The High Priests of Globalization”: Bilderberg Conference Convenes By Stephen Lendman, June 07, 2013
Google ‘Palestine’—It Exists, And So Do Palestinians By Global Research News, June 07, 2013
Spying on Americans and the Fourth Amendment. An Open Letter to Dianne Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee By Norman Solomon, June 07, 2013
Buying US Treasury Bonds, A Sucker’s Game By Matthias Chang, June 07, 2013
FDA approves first GMO Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus By Jonathan Benson, June 07, 2013
The EU-India Free Trade Agreement, Corporate Driven Neocolonial Plunder By Colin Todhunter, June 07, 2013
Bilderberg 2013: Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissenger in attendance By 21st Century Wire, June 07, 2013
Unprecedented Wealth, Debt Slavery and Conditioned Consciousness By David DeGraw, June 06, 2013
Chile Launches Search for U.S. Suspect in Alleged Neruda Poisoning By Joseph Fitsanakis, June 06, 2013