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“Truth is coming and it cannot be stopped”: NSA Whistleblower Snowden Issues defiant Response to Government Threats and Media Lies By Eric London, June 18, 2013
Water and the Geopolitics of the Nile Valley: Egypt Confronts Ethiopia By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 18, 2013
What’s Next After Blockupy Frankfurt? Mobilizing Against Austerity in the European Union By Socialist Project, June 18, 2013
Cross Purposes at the United Nations: Sabotaging Hope for a Negotiated Peace in Syria By Carla Stea, June 18, 2013
NYC Police Commissioner: “NSA Should Come Clean About Domestic Spying” By Washington's Blog, June 18, 2013
Obama’s Humanitarianism as Window-Dressing for the US “Deep State” Agenda: The Case of Syria By Elizabeth Woodworth, June 18, 2013
9/11 and the Military-Intelligence-Security Machine: Towards a Permanent State of Emergency in America By Larry Chin, June 17, 2013
President Bashar Al-Assad: Fighting Terrorism in Syria. Rebuilding in the Wake of the Crisis. Interview By Bashar al Assad, June 17, 2013
Fake WMD “Intelligence” and Orwellian Double-speak : Washington Is Insane By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 17, 2013
The Palestinian Struggle is a Black Struggle By Susan Abulhawa, June 17, 2013
Are the Boston Marathon Bombings Tied to a New American Campaign into the Caucasus? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 17, 2013
Media, Government Denounce Snowden as “Traitor” and “Chinese Spy”. Cheney: “I think he has Committed Crimes” By Eric London, June 17, 2013
US Inflames Sectarian Tensions to Escalate War in Syria By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, June 17, 2013
Dilemma for the Warfare- Surveillance State: NSA and CIA Cannot be Sure that its Personnel “Will Obey the Rules” By Norman Solomon, June 17, 2013
Global Systemic Economic Crisis: Devastating Financial Explosion and Social Outburst on a Worldwide Scale By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), June 17, 2013
Military Escalation? Sapping Assad’s Strength. Israel “Stirs the Pot” in Syria By Jonathan Cook, June 17, 2013
Washington’s Battle Over Syrian Foreign Policy: Will Hawks Or Doves Prevail? By Prof Peter Dale Scott, June 17, 2013
President of International War Crimes Tribunal may have Worked to Shield Israelis from Prosecution By Alison Weir, June 17, 2013
Hassan Rohani: Iran’s President-Elect By Stephen Lendman, June 17, 2013
The Chemical Weapons Pretext for War on Syria: A Pack of Lies By Ben Schreiner, June 17, 2013