Latest News and Top Stories

Snowden Becomes Eighth Person to Be Charged with Violating the Espionage Act Under Obama By Kevin Gosztola, June 22, 2013
Communications of Millions Subject to US-UK Spying By Eric London, June 22, 2013
Whistleblower Edward Snowden charged with Espionage By Eric London and Joseph Kishore, June 22, 2013
CIA Secretly providing Training for Syrian rebels By Global Research News, June 22, 2013
Obama, Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Another Israeli War Criminal of the Year Award By Stephen Lendman, June 22, 2013
Historical Roots of the Social Crisis in Brazil. The Role of the IMF By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 21, 2013
Obama’s Syrian Press Pass: The Media are Loyal to the System, not to their Profession By Margaret Kimberley, June 21, 2013
Leaked “Top Secret Documents”: NSA Monitoring US Communications without a Warrant By Thomas Gaist, June 21, 2013
Price of Gold Plunged, Panic Deepens on World Financial Markets By Andre Damon, June 21, 2013
Genetically-modified Eggplant Found to be Unsafe for Human Consumption, Environment By Jonathan Benson, June 21, 2013
Obama’s Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2013
“Conspiracy of Secrecy”: System Failure, Cyber Threats and Corporate Denial By Greg Guma, June 21, 2013
The Rational Market Myth: “Financial Armageddon” without Nukes By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 21, 2013
Racism and Institutionalised Discrimination: How Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck By Jonathan Cook, June 21, 2013
Iraq, Libya, Syria: Extensive US-NATO War Crimes. How the Media Buries “The Evidence” By David Edwards, June 21, 2013
The Keystone XL Pipeline: Enriching the Oil Giants, Threats to Water and the Environment from Oil Spills By Global Research News, June 20, 2013
Prisons Full of Innocents By David Swanson, June 20, 2013
Indefinite Surveillance: Say Hello to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 By Stephen Benavides, June 20, 2013
Understanding the Latest NSA “Security Leaks” is Understanding the Rise of a New Fascism By John Pilger, June 20, 2013
HAITI: Profit-Driven “Slum Reconstruction” Will Cost “Hundreds Of Millions” By Haiti Grassroots Watch, June 20, 2013