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Microsoft Conspires with the NSA in Spying on its Users By Bryan Dyne, July 13, 2013
Justin Carter: Criminalizing Free Speech, Facebook “Terrorism” in Texas By William Boardman, July 13, 2013
Most Americans Don’t Know that the Federal Reserve Banks Are Private Corporations By Washington's Blog, July 13, 2013
1,500 Foreign Mercenaries and Militants Entered Syria This Week By Global Research News, July 13, 2013
The Search for Snowden: Assaults on Sovereignty and Diplomatic Immunity By Netfa Freeman, July 12, 2013
Family Sues Largest Security Company G4S For Killing Angolan Deportee By Pratap Chatterjee, July 12, 2013
The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans’ Digital and Old-Fashioned Communications By Washington's Blog, July 12, 2013
The U.S. War Against the World in Service of International Finance Capital By Glen Ford, July 12, 2013
Ongoing Fighting in Sinai: Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Iran Wrongfully Blamed By Stephen Lendman, July 12, 2013
Questions Surrounding 2011 Triple Murder Point to Government Cover-up in Boston Marathon Bombing By Thomas Gaist and Barry Grey, July 12, 2013
US Ships F-16s to Egypt as Junta Intensifies Crackdown By Bill Van Auken, July 12, 2013
Iraq: Between Drug Dealers and Death Squads By Hussein Al-Alak, July 12, 2013
Fukushima 2013: “Remaining Radioactive Mass”, “Dangerous Leaking Radioactive Water”, All Four Reactors are “Getting Worse” By William Boardman, July 11, 2013
Fomenting Civil War in Egypt By Eric Draitser, July 11, 2013
The NSA Given a Free Hand to Operate in Germany By Peter Schwarz, July 11, 2013
People Living in Caves as UK Homelessness Reaches Five-Year High By Dennis Moore, July 11, 2013
Venezuela: U.S. and Opposition’s Private Sector Waging Economic War, Attacking Food Sovereignty By Correo del Orinoco, July 11, 2013
Obama’s All-out Global War Against an American Asylum Seeker By Wayne Madsen, July 11, 2013
In photos: Palestinian Workers’ Everyday Nightmare at Israeli Checkpoints By Daniel Tepper and Sam Gilbert, July 11, 2013
Government’s “Secret Interpretation” of Patriot Act: “EVERYTHING” Is Relevant … So Spy on EVERYONE By Washington's Blog, July 11, 2013