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Israel Used Turkish Military Base in Latakia Attack: Unanswered Questions By Richard Silverstein, July 15, 2013
Israeli strike on Syria carried out from Turkish base: Israel Denies By Global Research News and RT, July 15, 2013
Act of War: Israel Attacks Syrian Weapons Depot Containing Advanced Russian Arms By Richard Silverstein, July 15, 2013
Israel used Turkish base in Syria attack? By Global Research News, July 15, 2013
Bilderberg 2013: How Independent Media is Revealing the Hidden Agenda By Dan Dicks and James Corbett, July 15, 2013
Cognitive Dissonance in the White House Imperial Palace By Luciana Bohne, July 14, 2013
The Fracked-up USA Shale Gas Bubble By F. William Engdahl, July 14, 2013
Week in Review: Criminalizing Free Speech and Spying to Crush Dissent By Global Research and Global Research, July 14, 2013
Child Poverty in America By Debra Watson, July 14, 2013
The Unspoken Truth: Coup d’etat in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 14, 2013
The Hidden History of the Korean War (1950-1953) By Global Research News, July 14, 2013
Edward Snowden’s Asylum Quest: Press Conference in Moscow Airport By Stephen Lendman, July 14, 2013
Pakistan “Election” Sham, Pakistani Taliban Terrorists supported by Military By Asad Ismi, July 14, 2013
Human Life on Earth: “Peace and Well-being For all Humans is not Allowed” By Global Research News, July 13, 2013
Responsibility for War Deaths: U.S. Political Leaders or War Protesters? By Edward S. Herman, July 13, 2013
War Propaganda: Pentagon Accuses Iran of Developing ICBM Missiles “Capable of Reaching the U.S. by 2015″ By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 13, 2013
Divisions within the Syrian “Opposition”? The FSA and the Supreme Military Council Support Al Qaeda Terrorists By Phil Greaves, July 13, 2013
California Prison Conditions behind largest Hunger Strike in State History By World Socialist Web Site, July 13, 2013
Impacts of Chemtrails on Human Health. Nanoaluminum: Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects By Dr. Russell Blaylock, July 13, 2013
Obama Blocks Edward Snowden’s Asylum: Stranded in Moscow Airport By Stephen Lendman, July 13, 2013