Latest News and Top Stories

International Economic Boycott of Israel? Europe Explores Sanctions Against Companies Tied to Occupation By Annie Robbins, July 16, 2013
The Sinister Monsanto Group: From ‘Agent Orange’ to Genetically Modified Corn By Suddeutsche Zeitung, July 16, 2013
The Meaning of the Brazilian Protest Movement By James Corbett, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Pepe Escobar, July 16, 2013
Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields By Global Research News, July 16, 2013
Obama’s Military Budget: The Largest Since World War II By Stop NATO, July 16, 2013
Racism in America: Extrajudicial Killing of 313 Black People in 2012, One Every 28 Hours! By Mark Vorpahl, July 16, 2013
Israel Waging Undeclared War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, July 16, 2013
Countering The Pentagon’s “Pivot to Asia”: China and Russia hold War Games in Sea of Japan By Ben McGrath, July 16, 2013
US Navy and Marines Dispatched to Red Sea: Washington asserts its authority in Egypt By Chris Marsden, July 16, 2013
Mass Hunger Strike by Californian Prisoners Protesting Torture: Dangers of Starvation-related Deaths By Dylan Murphy, July 16, 2013
Egypt Bans Palestinian Passengers on Flights to Cairo: Thousands Stranded Abroad, Unable to Return to Gaza By Belal Dabour, July 15, 2013
A Haitian Sweatshop Worker Speaks: “Mrs. Clinton Can Have Her Factories” By Beverly Bell, July 15, 2013
Fighting The Trans-Pacific Partnership By Nile Bowie and James Corbett, July 15, 2013
New Economic System Needed and Growing: Learn How to Build it in Your Community By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, July 15, 2013
Nelson Mandela’s Final Battle: Dying With Dignity By Danny Schechter, July 15, 2013
Snowden: Human Rights and Global Information Security By Alexander Mezyaev, July 15, 2013
Killing an African-American Teenager: Zimmerman – Not Guilty of Cold-Blooded Murder By Stephen Lendman, July 15, 2013
Wastewater with Toxic Chemicals from Oil and Gas Drilling Rigs for Consumption by Wildlife and Livestock By Global Research News, July 15, 2013
Spying on Journalists: Department of Justice (DOJ) Sets “Guidelines” Concerning Government Surveillance of Members of the Press By Tom Carter, July 15, 2013
America’s “Intelligence-industrial Complex” By Joseph Kishore, July 15, 2013