Latest News and Top Stories

Detroit Bankruptcy Sets Stage for National Assault on Public-sector Pensions By Jerry White, July 22, 2013
America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System By Washington's Blog, July 22, 2013
Edward Snowden: A Portrait of the Leaker as a Young Man By Norman Solomon, July 21, 2013
Spying on Americans, Cellphones, Emails: The NSA is on the Line — All of Them By Kim Zetter, July 21, 2013
What’s Next for Syria? The “Washington Consensus” for All Out War By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2013
Leaked CIA Document and Freedom of the Press By Trevor Timm, July 21, 2013
NSA Spokesman Accidentally Admits that the Government Is Spying On Virtually All Americans By Washington's Blog, July 21, 2013
“Transformational Leadership” and the Creation of a U.S Truth and Reconciliation Commission By Cynthia McKinney, July 20, 2013
CIA Is Funding Government-Led Chemtrail Project: Spy Agency to Help Study “Security Impacts” of Geo-engineering By Steve Watson, July 20, 2013
It was the CIA that helped Jail Nelson Mandela By Brian Becker, July 20, 2013
From Turkey with Love: Another Israeli attack on Syria? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 20, 2013
US, Britain Push for Military Intervention in Syria By Chris Marsden, July 20, 2013
The Militarization of the US-Mexican Border: Counterinsurgency or Immigration Reform? By Tom Hayden, July 20, 2013
Swedish Journalist Nominated for Prestigious Award for Fighting “Politically Correct” Racism By Global Research News, July 20, 2013
US- South Africa War Games: The Pentagon’s Hidden Agenda is to Make “Africans fight Africans” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 20, 2013
Panama Arrests Ex-CIA Chief of Station Wanted by INTERPOL for Abduction of Muslim Cleric By Joseph Fitsanakis, July 19, 2013
Haiti: Political Assassination? Suspicious Death of Judge Who Called for Prosecution of Presidential Family By Francklyn B. Geffrard, July 19, 2013
Britain’s Top Military Brass: The UK Must be Prepared “To Go to War”. “We Must Risk War with Syria” By Global Research News, July 19, 2013
GlaxoSmithKline Alleged to Pay Bribes in China By Pratap Chatterjee, July 19, 2013
Archbishop of Wales Barry Morgan Calls on UK to Abandon Nuclear Missiles By David Williamson, July 19, 2013