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Once More into the Dead End of the Palestine- Israel “Peace Process” By Jonathan Cook, August 02, 2013
“Lawless State”: America Discredited By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 02, 2013
Snowden’s Asylum and Double Standards By FAIR, August 02, 2013
Doubts on Iranian Nuke Program: Ex-Envoy’s Account Clarifies Iran’s 2003 Nuclear Decision By Gareth Porter, August 02, 2013
4 Out of 5 Americans Face Joblessness, Poverty By Washington's Blog, August 02, 2013
Tony Blair: Libya, Lockerbie, Arms and Betrayals. By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 02, 2013
Israeli Referendum Measure Blocks Land for Peace By Stephen Lendman, August 02, 2013
Vicious Beyond Imagination: U.S. Endless Wars, Debt, Lies By Carl Herman, August 02, 2013
U.S. General Reveals Plans for Air Force Expansion in Asia By Peter Symonds, August 02, 2013
The Detroit Bankruptcy and the Drive Toward Dictatorship By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, August 02, 2013
Israeli government is planning the largest single attempt at the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since the 1948 Nakba By PAJU, August 02, 2013
From Tahrir to Taksim: The Carousel of Revolt in the Mediterranean Periphery By Daniele Scalea, August 02, 2013
Report: Monsanto Teaming up with US Military to target GMO Activists By Jonathan Benson, August 01, 2013
Hezbollah and Washington’s Middle East Terrorist Blacklisting Ritual By Ahmad Barqawi, August 01, 2013
This American Life on Guatemalan Genocide By FAIR, August 01, 2013
America’s Foreign Policy Pivots in the Middle East: Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Wahhabi Salafism By Zayd Alisa, August 01, 2013
Bradley Manning Verdict Convicts Washington: US Government is Illegitimate By Global Research News, August 01, 2013
Hiding Economic Depression With Spin By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 01, 2013
Why Did Washington Hate Hugo Chavez? By Eva Golinger, August 01, 2013
Towards a Peace Treaty on the Korean Peninsula By Global Research News, August 01, 2013