Latest News and Top Stories

Israel Deserves to Be Expelled from UN, Miguel D’Escoto Says By Global Research News, August 16, 2013
Journalist Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director at Time of Deadly Crash By Matthew MacEgan, August 16, 2013
German Politicians, Media Defend the Egyptian Army By Peter Schwarz, August 16, 2013
Pervasive Surveillance, Total Exposure and the End of Privacy By Greg Guma, August 16, 2013
Greece: Depression or Recession? Are the Troika Bailing Out or Forcing Under? By Jérôme Duval, August 15, 2013
The EU and the Attack on European Workers’ Wages By Julie Hyland, August 15, 2013
Egyptian Junta Imposes Martial Law Amid Bloody Crackdown By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, August 15, 2013
Top U.S. Nuclear Weapons Facility to Be Powered by the Wind By Tina Casey, August 15, 2013
America’s Upside-Down Morality: Manning Apologizes for Doing the Right Thing By Robert Parry, August 15, 2013
All Journalism Is ‘Advocacy Journalism’ By David Edwards, August 15, 2013
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims sued by ‘Torturers’ By Press TV, August 15, 2013
Egypt: Coups Modern and Postmodern By Eric Walberg, August 15, 2013
GMOs and the Destruction of Indian Agriculture: Government in Collusion with the Biotech Conglomerates By Colin Todhunter, August 15, 2013
There is no Way to Stop Fukushima Radioactive Water Leaking into the Pacific By Arnie Gundersen, August 15, 2013
Letting Tepco “Clean Up” Fukushima Is Like Letting a Murderer Do Brain Surgery On a VIP By Washington's Blog, August 15, 2013
Top US General Travels to Middle East for War Talks By Thomas Gaist, August 14, 2013
Obama’s White Paper on NSA Spying By Tom Carter and Joseph Kishore, August 14, 2013
Scientists Gain New Insight Into Climate Change … And What To Do About It By Washington's Blog, August 14, 2013
America: Addicted to War By Stephen Lendman, August 14, 2013
Investigating WTC Building 7: The Evidence Might Surprise You By Cynthia McKinney, August 14, 2013