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Martin Luther King: “My Dream is Not Obama”. By Ajamu Baraka, August 19, 2013
Egypt: Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood Mobs Burn Christian Coptic Churches By Global Research News, August 19, 2013
Irish Mercenaries Training Syrian Death Squads By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, August 18, 2013
Military Madness: Has our Species become Insane? By Jim McCluskey, August 18, 2013
Fukushima: Japanese Government, Big Business and Corporate Media Tried to Hide a Grave Threat By Margaret Kimberley, August 18, 2013
Assassination TIME: Sr. Journalist ‘Can’t Wait’ to Justify Drone Strike That Will Kill Assange By Global Research News, August 18, 2013
Israel- Palestine: Sham Peace Talks Resume By Stephen Lendman, August 18, 2013
Detroit: Government Chooses Big Banks Over the American People Once Again By Washington's Blog, August 18, 2013
American Influence on the Korean Peace Process By Tim Shorrock, August 18, 2013
9/11 Truth: Evidence of Controlled Demolition of the World Trade Center By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, Prof. David Chandler, and Prof. Graeme MacQueen, August 18, 2013
End the Injustices of Mandatory Sentencing: Pardon those unjustly punished, end the Drug War By Kevin Zeese, August 18, 2013
Latin America Condemns US Espionage at United Nations Security Council By Carla Stea, August 17, 2013
Holder & Obama Are Playing Us On Mandatory Minimums, the Drug War and Mass Incarceration By Bruce A. Dixon, August 17, 2013
Institutionalized US Spying: More Than NSA Involved By Stephen Lendman, August 17, 2013
Obama and the Egyptian Massacre By Johannes Stern, August 17, 2013
States Suppress the Right to Vote By Ed Hightower, August 17, 2013
Five Reasons Cops Want to Legalize Marijuana By Rolling Stone, August 17, 2013
“Counter-Terrorism” Gone Crazy: Copyright Infringement Is Being Treated as Terrorism By Washington's Blog, August 17, 2013
Bradley Manning Addresses Sentencing Hearing By Stephen Lendman, August 16, 2013
Polls: Huge majority wants National Intelligence Director Clapper prosecuted for perjury By David Sirota, August 16, 2013