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The Assault on Whistleblowers and Spinning the War on Syria By Norman Solomon, August 28, 2013
Massacres That Matter: ‘Responsibility To Protect’ In Egypt, Libya And Syria By David Edwards, August 27, 2013
The Accelerating Assault on Journalism By FAIR, August 27, 2013
The Judas Race: America’s Wars and Organized Religion By John Kozy, August 27, 2013
Brazil’s Unspoken Humanitarian Crisis: “Refugee” Camp Holding Over 800 Haitians in Inhuman Conditions By Conectas Human Rights, August 27, 2013
The South American Defence Council and the Subversive Activities of the Pentagon By Nil Nikandrov, August 27, 2013
Imperial Madness By Stephen Lendman, August 27, 2013
War Propaganda and Media Lies within the Syria Conflict By Michel Collon, August 27, 2013
John Kerry Announces Chemical Weapons Unacceptable on SAME DAY that It’s Revealed America Helped Saddam Use Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, August 27, 2013
On the Eve of War With Syria: John Kerry’s “Colin Powell Moment” By Alex Lantier, August 27, 2013
Turmoil in Emerging Economies: A Symptom of a Global Crisis By Barry Grey, August 27, 2013
War on Syria and the West’s Skin-Deep Morality By Colin Todhunter, August 27, 2013
Syria: Another Western War Crime In The Making By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 27, 2013
ReThink911 – Canadian Petition Calling for a Review of the 9/11 Official Commission Report By Global Research News, August 26, 2013
ReThink911: A New Global 9/11 Truth Campaign By Richard Gage and James Corbett, August 26, 2013
“Spinning Justice” and the Political Assassination of Dr. David Kelly. Human Rights, Inquests and Coroners By Dr. Miriam Stevenson, August 26, 2013
The Leveraged Buyout of America By Ellen Brown, August 26, 2013
A CIA Hand in an American ‘Coup’? By Robert Parry, August 26, 2013
Propagande de guerre pour légitimiser le conflit syrien By Michel Collon, August 26, 2013
Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights By Craig Murray, August 26, 2013