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It’s Coming: US Finalizing Plans for Military Strike on Syria? By RT, September 02, 2013
Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War? By James Corbett, September 02, 2013
How “Progressives” and the American “Left” are Failing Over Syria By Shamus Cooke, September 02, 2013
Obama’s Speech on Syria: Lies to Justify an Immoral War By Larry Everest, September 02, 2013
Caveman Credibility and its Costs: Bombing in the Name of Democracy. Triggering a Humanitarian Disaster in Syria By David Swanson, September 02, 2013
Obama Intends Lawless Aggression on Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 02, 2013
The Unnatural Death of Dr. David Kelly: Template for “Legalised Cover-up” of Political Assassinations By Dr. Miriam Stevenson, September 02, 2013
Unilateral Attack on Syria: Obama Has Decided That It Is Safer To Buy Congress Than To Go It Alone By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 02, 2013
Israeli Lobby Targets Syria and Iran By Stephen Lendman, September 02, 2013
Are Spy Agencies Once Again Lying … this Time to Justify War Against Syria? By Washington's Blog, September 02, 2013
Debt, Austerity, Devastation: it’s Europe’s Turn By Susan George, September 02, 2013
Greece: Depression or Recession? Is the EU-IMF-ECB Troika “Bailing Out” or “Forcing Under”? By Jérôme Duval, September 02, 2013
Dubious Intelligence and Iran Blackmail: How Israel is driving the US to War in Syria By Max Blumenthal, September 02, 2013
Fake Media Reports on the Use of Sarin. Evidence Is Inconclusive By Global Research News, September 02, 2013
America’s Covert War against Christians in the Middle East By Nikolai Bobkin, September 02, 2013
Obama Will Launch a Huge Propaganda Blitz — and May Attack Syria Even If He Loses the Vote in Congress By Norman Solomon, September 01, 2013
US State Terror Targets Syria: Air Power, Navy Deployed By Stephen Lendman, September 01, 2013
Keeping Deposits Safe, Local, and Working for Local Economies…with Public Banks By Public Banking Institute, September 01, 2013
New Snowden Revelation details vast US Intelligence “Black Budget” By Thomas Gaist, September 01, 2013
US on Brink of Launching War against Syria based on Lies By Bill Van Auken, September 01, 2013