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Cynical Maneuvers to Implement a “Second Vote” in UK Parliament on Syrian Attack By Julie Hyland, September 03, 2013
Flaws in Britain’s Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) Assessment on the Syria Chemical Weapons Attacks By Global Research News, September 03, 2013
The Troodos Conundrum: Syria and the Cyprus US-UK Intelligence Monitoring Station By Craig Murray, September 03, 2013
The Future of Healthcare in Rural California By Project Censored, September 03, 2013
Edward Snowden Whistleblower Award 2013 By Global Research News, September 03, 2013
Baguettes Not Bombs: Hollande may be forced to take ‘French Leave’ over Syria By Global Research News, September 03, 2013
American War Crimes By Global Research News, September 03, 2013
Climate Change and Social Change By Roger Annis, September 03, 2013
U.S.Diabolical Design for Syria By Dr. Ismail Salami, September 03, 2013
Human shield formed to protect Syria from military action By Press TV, September 03, 2013
Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad: “Power Lies in your Ability to Prevent Wars, not in Igniting Them” By Bashar al Assad, September 03, 2013
Point-By-Point Rebuttal of U.S. Case for War In Syria By Washington's Blog, September 03, 2013
Obama’s War on Syria Imminent? Moscow confronts Washington on US War Plans By Stephen Lendman, September 03, 2013
September 11, 2001: The Saudi Split – a Motive for 9/11? By Paul Schreyer, September 03, 2013
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military and Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria By Paul Joseph Watson, September 03, 2013
Fukushima: TEPCO deliberately used Radiation Detectors that Provided Low Readings. Radiation Levels 18 Times Higher than Reported By Mike Adams, September 03, 2013
What Happens if the British Parliament Votes No to America’s War on Syria? By Lesley Docksey, September 02, 2013
Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company By Michael Kelley, September 02, 2013
Anglo American Platinum to Eliminate Thousands of Jobs in South Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 02, 2013
US and Allied Warships off the Syrian Coastline: Naval Deployment Was Decided “Before” the August 21 Chemical Weapons Attack By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 02, 2013