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Western-Backed Rebels Bring Death and Destruction to Historic Syrian Town of Maaloula By Johannes Stern, September 10, 2013
Mexico’s Unfolding Political Crisis: Denationalization and the Privatisation of Oil and Electricity By Prof. James Petras, September 10, 2013
The Other Super Power Is Winning By David Swanson, September 10, 2013
Immigration Reform in the US. The Death of the Chicano Left By Global Research News, September 10, 2013
U.S. Expands “International Coalition” For War Against Syria By Xinhua, September 10, 2013
America’s Conquest of Africa: The Penetration of AFRICOM on the Continent By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 10, 2013
UK drones three times more likely than US to fire in Afghanistan By Alice K Ross, September 10, 2013
“CIA Fabricated Evidence to Lure US into War with Syria”: Ray McGovern By Ray McGovern, September 10, 2013
“Funny Things” Keep Happening on the Way to the War On Syria. The Whole World is on a Dangerously Slippery Slope By Jooneed Khan, September 10, 2013
Syria: Another War Based on Lies. SAY NO TO OBAMA’S WAR! By Global Research and Global Research, September 09, 2013
Plot by Syria Terrorists to Carry out a “False Flag” Chemical Weapons Attack against Israel and Blame it on Bashar Al Assad, Says RT By Tony Cartalucci, September 09, 2013
“WMD Double Standards”: U.S. War Crimes and the Extensive Use of Chemical Weapons against Civilians By Edward S. Herman and John Robles, September 09, 2013
The Geopolitics of the Syrian War By Sharmine Narwani and James Corbett, September 09, 2013
New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to 9/11 Truth By Global Research News, September 09, 2013
Dangerous Crossroads: Will China send its Warships to Syrian Coast? By Global Research News, September 09, 2013
Major Provocation: US Supported Syria Rebels Plan Chemical Attack on Israel. RT By RT, September 09, 2013
Mother Agnes Mariam: “Footage of Chemical Attack in Syria is Fraud” By Mother Agnes Mariam, September 09, 2013
AIPAC Lobbies for War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 09, 2013
Obama with Israel and Against the World By Prof. James Petras, September 09, 2013
Washington Now Admits No Imminent Threat from Syria, No Clear Evidence Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Attack By Washington's Blog, September 09, 2013