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Fast Food Healthcare Coverage By Stephen Lendman, October 01, 2013
426 Dead Syrian Children? US 1% Heartlessly Poverty-Kill 1 Million Children/Month in Gruesome Slow Agony By Washington's Blog, October 01, 2013
US Shutdown Targets Workers and Poor People By Barry Grey, October 01, 2013
NBC’s Iran Bomb: Shocking Nuclear News Wasn’t News At All By FAIR, September 30, 2013
Poverty and Slave Labor in Florida’s Corporate Farms, Ruthless Exploitation of Migrant Workers By Dylan Murphy, September 30, 2013
Syria’s Chemical Weapons and UN Security Council Resolution 2118: Reality, Resolutions, Representations By Maximilian Forte, September 30, 2013
American ‘Exceptionalism’ an Outdated Concept By Eric Draitser, September 30, 2013
Kenya False Flag? Washington Had Advanced Knowledge, Intelligence Agents in Westgate Mall Prior to Attack By Citizens for Legitimate Government, September 30, 2013
Nairobi Westgate Mall Attack: Canada’s Contribution to Violence in Africa By Yves Engler, September 30, 2013
The United States of Genocide: Putting the US on Trial for Genocide Against the Peoples of Korea, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Iraq, and Elsewhere By Kieran Kelly, September 30, 2013
Was Obama Planning on Striking Syria or Working to Gain Traction in Talks With Iran? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 30, 2013
Looming Government Shutdown: What a Way to Run a Country By Stephen Lendman, September 30, 2013
Syria, Sarin, and Casus Belli By Michael Parenti, September 30, 2013
RETHINK 9/11: Did You Know that a Third Tower Fell on 9/11 By Global Research News, September 30, 2013
Being Young, Antiwar and Using Social Media Could Get You Labeled a Terrorist By Washington's Blog, September 30, 2013
War No More: The Case for Abolition By Kathy Kelly, September 30, 2013
The Obama Administration and the Detroit Bankruptcy By Joseph Kishore, September 30, 2013
NSA Using Metadata to Compile “Social Network Diagrams” on Americans By Thomas Gaist, September 30, 2013
Mission Impossible. What Future Fukushima? By Global Research News, September 30, 2013
Mind the Credibility Gap: Syria and the History of US War Disinformation By Global Research News, September 30, 2013