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Government Shutdown Not Slowing Down Warmongers By Washington's Blog, October 04, 2013
Syrian “Rebel” Factions Battle Each Other on Turkish Border By Bill Van Auken, October 04, 2013
Day Three of US Shutdown: Talks Focus on Cuts to Medicare and Social Security By Andre Damon, October 04, 2013
Hillary Clinton, James Baker III on Iran: “We Ought to Take Em Out” By Global Research News, October 04, 2013
9/11 Truth and White House False Flag Terrorism By GRTV, October 03, 2013
Big Brother Partially Shut Down: Over Six Thousand NSA Workers “Furloughed” By Patrick Henningsen, October 03, 2013
England’s Wildlife Killing Fields: H.M. Government’s Badger Culls Kill Scientific Honesty By Lesley Docksey, October 03, 2013
Innocent Kenyan Blood Drips from Imperial Hands By Mark P. Fancher, October 03, 2013
New York Times Again Ignores Israel’s Nukes By Robert Parry, October 03, 2013
The Global Ecosystem and Climate Change: Threat to Marine Life and the World’s Oceans By Jon Queally, October 03, 2013
Iraqis Accuse US Defense Contractor CACI of War Crimes and Torture By Ryan Abbott, October 03, 2013
Anti-Iranian Media Bias By Stephen Lendman, October 03, 2013
US Economy is Just One Giant Hedge Fund By Max Keiser, October 03, 2013
Public Banks Are Key to Capitalism By Ellen Brown, October 03, 2013
The Shutdown Game By Glen Ford, October 03, 2013
The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown: Jobs Offshoring, Dwindling Consumer Spending and a Widening Budget Deficit By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 03, 2013
Government Shut Down: Pentagon Spends Over $5 Billion on Military and Spy Equipment By Kit Daniels, October 03, 2013
Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize By Stephen Lendman, October 03, 2013
India and the Impacts of “Globalisation”: The Race for the Upcoming 2014 Elections By Colin Todhunter, October 03, 2013
The Dangers of an All-Powerful Federal Reserve By Global Research News, October 03, 2013