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The 9/11 Attacks, Pretext to Wage War on Afghanistan. 12 Years of Illegal Occupation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 08, 2013
Was it a “Just War”, Was Afghanistan Behind the 9/11 Attacks? 12 Years of Illegal Occupation By James Corbett, Rick Rozoff, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 08, 2013
The Hidden Face of the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC) Summit: Tri Hita Karana, Bali’s Bold New Model for Sustainable Development By Danny Schechter, October 08, 2013
Afghanistan: 12 Years of Occupation – “Down with the US Invaders and their Afghan Stooges!” By Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan, October 08, 2013
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) By Global Research News, October 08, 2013
Neuroweapons, Neuroscience and “Brain Circuit Manipulation”: Inside Story of Obama’s Mind Control Project By Global Research News, October 08, 2013
Every Nuclear-Tipped Missile is an “Accident Waiting to Happen” By William Burr, October 08, 2013
Japan to pay $3.1bn to remove US troops from Okinawa, will host spy drones By RT, October 08, 2013
“Open Door” for Oil Tar Sands Development: Frank Giustra, Bill Clinton’s Close Colleague, Joins US Oil Sands Board By Steve Horn, October 08, 2013
The War on Terrorism … or Whatever: Syria and “America’s Jihad” By William Blum, October 08, 2013
Violence, Instability, Torture and Deaths in Libya By Stephen Lendman, October 08, 2013
US Government Shutdown Reaches Second Week By Andre Damon, October 08, 2013
The US Raid on Libya and the Fraud of the War on Terror By Bill Van Auken, October 08, 2013
Fake BBC Video: Irrefutable Evidence of a Stunning bit of Fakery by the BBC By Craig Murray, October 07, 2013
CIA Activities in Syria: US Never Stops to Step on Same Rake By Andrei Akulov, October 07, 2013
“Endorsed Military Efforts in the Name of Peace”: Here Comes the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, Dragging a Broken Moral Compass By Norman Solomon, October 07, 2013
Canadian Spy Agency ‘Dissected’ Brazilian Energy Ministry By RT, October 07, 2013
Fast Times in Palestine By Jamal Kanj, October 07, 2013
Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse? By Ellen Brown, October 07, 2013
Palestinians do have Options for Change and Resistance By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, October 07, 2013