Latest News and Top Stories

Between American Debt and Foreign Credit: Bad PR for “Brand USA” By Pepe Escobar, October 19, 2013
Did Part of SEAL Team Six Die in a Helicopter Explosion During the Osama Bin Laden Raid? By Patrick Henningsen, October 18, 2013
Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. Preparing for War with Iran? Major Purchases of “Bunker Buster” Bombs and Missiles from Pentagon By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 18, 2013
Serving a Corporate Agenda: Canada’s RCMP Brutalize Indigenous People for Opposing Fracking on Their Land By Miles Howe, October 18, 2013
The Impact of Sanctions on the Iranian People’s Healthcare System By IIPJHR, October 18, 2013
‘Disappearing Palestine’ vs. “Jewish Loss of Land” By Global Research News, October 18, 2013
Empire Building, the Debt Ceiling, the Budget Deficit and the “Samson Solution” By Prof. James Petras, October 18, 2013
Global Drone Warfare, Targeted Assassinations Supported by NSA Surveillance By Thomas Gaist, October 18, 2013
Washington Brinksmanship Resolution. The US Senate Approved the “Reopening of the Government”. What Next? By Stephen Lendman, October 18, 2013
Towards a Totalitarian State in South Korea? The “Left Sedition Scandal” and President Park’s “National Security Law” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 18, 2013
The Homeless in America By Global Research News, October 18, 2013
The Establishment of “Social Enterprises” in Bolivia By Richard Fidler, October 18, 2013
Fukushima Meltdown: “Forty Good Years And One Very Bad Day” By Arnie Gundersen, October 18, 2013
China should Reduce its Holdings of US Treasuries, Diversify its Reserves, “There are Alternatives to Investing in the US Dollar”, Chinese Economist By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 17, 2013
NATO’s Terror Campaign in Central Asia By James Corbett, Rick Rozoff, and Sibel Edmonds, October 17, 2013
Financial Intelligence: Did Saudi Intelligence Chief and Other High-Ranking Officials “Trade on Inside Information” Regarding 9/11? By Washington's Blog, October 17, 2013
Human Trafficking: The Second Largest Industry in the World By Sara Flounders, October 17, 2013
Manufacturing Dissent: The Covert War on Syria By Lizzie Phelan and Mostafa Afzalzadeh, October 17, 2013
More Shutdowns Ahead as US Ruled by Casino Capitalism By Pepe Escobar, October 17, 2013
Twelve Years of Occupation and War Crimes in Afghanistan. Commemoration in Ireland By Global Research News, October 17, 2013