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Children against Genetically Modified Seeds: Monsanto Elementary School – The Science Fair By Global Research News, October 30, 2013
The Insecurity of Security: When U.S. “Intelligence” Becomes an Oxymoron or Just Moronic By Danny Schechter, October 30, 2013
Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 30, 2013
Canada should investigate Dick Cheney for war crimes. When he comes to Toronto will we give him safe harbour? By Global Research News, October 29, 2013
“Secrets R US”: America’s Spying Apparatus, Echelon, NSA Eavesdropping and the Outsourcing of Intelligence Operations By Greg Guma, October 29, 2013
Deadlock in America’s War on Syria. Moscow Confronts Washington, Significance of UNSC Resolution 2118 By Thierry Meyssan, October 29, 2013
We Have Very Sophisticated Big Brothers in the World Now By Jeremy Scahill, October 29, 2013
Papua New Guinea: Barrick Gold Pays Rape Victims Not to Sue the Company By MiningWatch Canada, October 29, 2013
Child Victims of CIA Drone Strike in Pakistan Give Evidence to US Congress – Lawyer Denied US Visa By Reprieve, October 29, 2013
Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders By Stephen Lendman, October 29, 2013
German Press, Politicians Warn of Rupture in US-German Relations By Ulrich Rippert, October 29, 2013
Militarization and War Games in the Pacific: America to Destroy Paradise Island By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, October 29, 2013
Cutting Food Stamps for Over 45 Million Americans: The Ruthlessness of the American Ruling Class By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, October 29, 2013
The Horns of Africa: Neo Colonialism, Oil Wars and Terror Games By Shawn Helton, October 29, 2013
Expendable People: Economics, a “Murderous Science” By John Kozy, October 29, 2013
Militarization and War Games in the Pacific: America to Destroy Paradise Island By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, October 29, 2013
US Embassy Espionage Directed against Germany: The NSA’s Secret Spy Hub in Berlin By Der Spiegel, October 29, 2013
India: Taken Over by Foreign Banks? By Kavaljit Singh, October 29, 2013
Damascus Violence Part of US “Negotiations” Strategy By Brian Becker, October 28, 2013
Lawyers Advise Toronto Police Chief to Arrest Dick Cheney “as a Person Suspected of Authorizing and Abetting Torture” By Lawyers Against the War (LAW), October 28, 2013