Latest News and Top Stories

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Rejects Ads Concerning the “Disappearance of Palestine” By Prof Michael Keefer, November 02, 2013
Al Qaeda Rebels Supported by Uncle Sam: US, Allies to Blame for Chemical Attack in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 02, 2013
US Intelligence Apparatus: Weapon against Geopolitical Competition By Eric Draitser, November 02, 2013
The Entire Fiat Money System is Bankrupt: Demise of the Global US Fiat Dollar Reserve Currency By Matthias Chang, November 01, 2013
In the Name of Love and Nonviolence, Let Us Strive to Heal Syria By Mairead Maguire, November 01, 2013
Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi, Complicity with Tyranny By Guy Horton, November 01, 2013
NSA Spies on World Bank, IMF, UN, Pope, World Leaders, American Politicians and Military Officers By Washington's Blog, November 01, 2013
Raided Anti-War Activists to Be in Federal Court With Motion to Unseal Secret Documents By Global Research News, November 01, 2013
Syria: From Fermenting Uprising to Delivering Polio By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 01, 2013
Boston Bombing: The Post-Marathon Hunt – Feds Harassing “Boston Bomber” Friends, And Friends Of Friends By Dave Lindorff, Russ Baker, and Milicent Cranor, November 01, 2013
Haiti: Uruguay Will Withdraw from MINUSTAH, President Says Beginning of End of UN Occupation of Haiti? By Kim Ives, November 01, 2013
China Moves Spy Ship to Hawaiian Waters in “Retaliation” Against U.S. By Paul Joseph Watson, November 01, 2013
Feinstein Introduces Trojan Horse … But Tech Giants Throw Weight Behind Legislation Which Would ACTUALLY Rein In NSA Spying By Washington's Blog, November 01, 2013
Israel’s Deplorable Human Rights Record By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2013
FBI “Suspicious Activity Reports” Target Political Dissent By Thomas Gaist, November 01, 2013
US, Australian, Canadian and British Embassies Involved in Spy Operations in Asia By Peter Symonds, November 01, 2013
NATO and CIA Support Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, November 01, 2013
US Led Wars Lead to the Enrichment of a Social Minority By Jeremy Scahill, October 31, 2013
Toronto Star on Cheney’s Canada Visit: Arrest him. Canada should not Provide a “Safe Haven for Torturers” By Ralph Lopez, October 31, 2013
Dick Cheney Calls for War on Iran By Global Research News, October 31, 2013