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Pact Provides for Permanent US Occupation of Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, November 22, 2013
New Report Exposes Lies Used to Justify Detroit Bankruptcy By Thomas Gaist, November 22, 2013
The Day John Kennedy Died By James F. Tracy, November 22, 2013
9/11 and the Collapse of WTC Building 7: The BBC’s Role in Distorting the Evidence and Misleading the Public By Peter Drew, November 22, 2013
How New Journalism and America’s Alternative Press Changed the Rules By Greg Guma, November 22, 2013
Iran and Nuclear Non-proliferation. The only Nuclear-armed State in the Middle East is Israel By William Boardman, November 22, 2013
The Money Changers Serenade: A New Bankers’ Plot to Steal Your Deposits By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 22, 2013
Aung San Suu Kyi: Complicity With Tyranny By Guy Horton, November 22, 2013
I Remember that Day in November. I Remember JFK. “The Spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy will Never Sleep” By Michael T. Bucci, November 22, 2013
Global Warming and The Philippines Haiyan Typhoon By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 22, 2013
Video: West Architect of Terrorism in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 22, 2013
Cambodian Political History: Former PM Pen Sovann’s Left Perspective – Hostile to the Khmer Rouge and the Present Rulers By Luke Young, November 22, 2013
Democracy in South Korea under Attack: Under the Helm of the Dictator’s Daughter By Global Research News, November 22, 2013
A New Flu Season of Pain, Profit and Politics By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, November 21, 2013
The U.S. Is Sending Americans’ Confidential Info Abroad … For the Same Reason It’s Outsourcing Torture to Foreign Governments By Washington's Blog, November 21, 2013
CNN Doubles Down on Pro-Nuclear Bias – Answers Petitions, Critics, with More Slanted Commentary By FAIR, November 21, 2013
In Afghanistan, ‘Security Deal’ Means US Occupation Forever By Sarah Lazare, November 21, 2013
US Drone Attacks Pakistani Religious School, Killing Eight By Jason Ditz, November 21, 2013
Asia Pivot Declared, US Army Eyes Africa By Andrei Akulov, November 21, 2013
JFK, 9/11, and the Deep State: Hard Evidence in a Post-Snowden World By, November 21, 2013