Latest News and Top Stories

Revealed: Northrop Grumman’s Unmarked Gray Helicopter Drone By Paul Joseph Watson, November 26, 2013
Nuclear Agreement May Result in Israel and Saudi Arabia Attacking Iran By Kurt Nimmo, November 26, 2013
Israel Wants Its Arab Christian—but not Muslim—Citizens to Join Military By Jonathan Cook, November 26, 2013
Isolated on Iran: Canada’s Warmongering Alliance with Israel By Derrick O'Keefe, November 26, 2013
U.S. Reservations on Final Nuclear Deal with Iran: Obama Administration not Committed to Lift Sanctions Completely By Gareth Porter, November 26, 2013
10 More Years in Afghanistan By David Swanson, November 26, 2013
Heightened Tensions Over China’s Air Defence Zone By John Chan, November 26, 2013
NSA Infects 50,000 Computer Systems Worldwide By Stephen Lendman, November 26, 2013
Both Sides Claim Victory in Honduran Election By Bill Van Auken, November 26, 2013
The Euro Crisis, Contradictions between Countries in the Periphery and Centre of the European Union By Eric Toussaint, November 26, 2013
Is Monsanto’s Glyphosate RoundUp the New Agent Orange? By Global Research News, November 26, 2013
US Foreign Policy: Terrorism in Response to Terrorism By William Boardman, November 26, 2013
Okinawa: The Pentagon’s Toxic Junk Heap of the Pacific By Global Research News, November 26, 2013
Israel’s Evolution towards a Fascist Racist State By Jim Miles, November 26, 2013
Bankocracy: from the Venetian Republic to Mario Draghi and Goldman Sachs By Eric Toussaint, November 26, 2013
War Crimes Tribunal: “Beyond Reasonable Doubt”, Israel Found Guilty of Genocide By Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, November 25, 2013
VIDEO: 9/11 Truth Movement Fights for Freedom of Speech in Canada: ReThink911 Ads Controversy in Ottawa By Global Research News, November 25, 2013
75% of United Arab Emirates Prisoners Report Police Torture By Reprieve, November 25, 2013
Video: Testimony by Dr. Ilan Pappe on Genocide in Palestine by Israel By Illan Pappé, November 25, 2013
Pakistan: Blocking NATO Supplies to Stop Drones By Ashfaq Yusufzai, November 25, 2013