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Defeated By The Taliban, Washington Decides To Take On Russia And China By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 04, 2013
President Putin and Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar Discuss Syria, Iran By Ria Novosti, December 04, 2013
Defensive Measures? China’s Controversial Air Defense Identification Zone By Stephen Lendman, December 04, 2013
GMO, Additives, Contaminants and Pesticides. European “Food Safety” on Behalf of the Food and Drink Conglomerates By Colin Todhunter, December 04, 2013
Canadian Voters May Only Support Destruction of Palestinian Villages By Dru Oja Jay, December 04, 2013
US Steps Up War of Words with Afghan Puppet Regime By Patrick Martin, December 04, 2013
Detroit Bankruptcy Ruling Paves Way for Nationwide Attack on Pensions By Jerry White, December 04, 2013
World Renowned Peace Activist Collaborated with Stratfor and CIA By Steve Horn and Carl Gibson, December 04, 2013
Europe “Denuclearized”: Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Turkey are Bona Fide Nuclear States By Manlio Dinucci, December 04, 2013
Orwellian Police State USA: Getting your History from Hollywood By William Blum, December 04, 2013
Western Sponsored Humanitarian Crisis in Syria: Foreign Supported Insurgency Responsible for Civilian Deaths By Nicola Nasser, December 04, 2013
Terrorism in Syria: Turkey Deports More Than One Thousand European Al Qaeda Affiliated Mercenaries By Global Research News, December 04, 2013
1984 Was an Instruction Manual: Welcome to the Memory Hole. By Global Research News, December 04, 2013
Who’s Nuking Your Food? Orwellian Irradiated “Franken-Foods” Are The New Normal By Andrew McKillop, December 04, 2013
Ethnic Cleansing and Dispossession in Palestine: Israel’s “Prawer Plan” to Relocate Palestinian Bedouins By Socialist Project, December 04, 2013
China Reduces its US Dollar Holdings. The Geopolitics of “Forex Reserves Diversification” By Global Research News, December 04, 2013
Congress Backs Terrorists In Syria … Then Says We Need NSA Spying Because There are Terrorists In Syria By Washington's Blog, December 04, 2013
Thailand: Regime is not “Democratically Elected”, Wall Street’s Proxy Government By Tony Cartalucci, December 04, 2013
Snowden Leaks Spark UN Probe into NSA Mass Surveillance By James Corbett, December 03, 2013
Israel Supplies Weapons to Al Qaeda Mercenaries in Syria: Government Forces Seize Israeli-made Arms By Global Research News, December 03, 2013