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Guantanamo: Twelve Years of Torture, Illegality, and Shame By Victoria Brittain, December 06, 2013
The Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and the Establishment of US-NATO Military Bases in Afghanistan: Iran opposes US-Afghan security pact By Global Research News, December 06, 2013
Thailand’s Thaksin Regime and The Cambodian Connection By Tony Cartalucci, December 06, 2013
The Legacy of Nelson Mandela: A Dissenting Opinion By Jonathan Cook, December 06, 2013
FBI Investigated Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for Espionage By Global Research News, December 06, 2013
Whitewashing Human Atrocities in the Middle East and Africa By Keith Harmon Snow, December 05, 2013
Spy Software to Monitor Phone Conversations, E-mails and Text Messages: UN Counter-Terrorism Official to “Investigate” US and British Spying Agencies By James Corbett, December 05, 2013
Remembering Nelson Mandela (1918-2014). “He is Teaching us Lessons in Patience, Love and Tolerance” By Danny Schechter, December 05, 2013
Distorting Democracy: Politics by Public Security in South Korea By Global Research News, December 05, 2013
“Haiti is Open for Business!”: Government Complicity in Wage Theft by Foreign Factories By Jane Regan, December 05, 2013
Media, Democracy and the Power to Misinform By Greg Guma, December 05, 2013
Canada Busted Covering Up Spikes In Fukushima Radiation By Washington's Blog, December 05, 2013
Thailand: Shinawatra Regime Complicit in Rohingya Slave Camps By Tony Cartalucci, December 05, 2013
Australian Government Threatens Lawyer with Charges over Timor Spying Revelations By Mike Head, December 05, 2013
Fact Check on Venezuela’s Economy By Stephen Lendman, December 05, 2013
Blaming Black People in Detroit By Margaret Kimberley, December 05, 2013
Detroit Ruling Sparks Nationwide Attack on Working Class: Illinois Legislature Passes Bill to Cut Pensions By Kristina Betinis, December 05, 2013
God and the Devil in Haitian History By Jean Saint-Vil, December 05, 2013
Under the Global Shadow of Big Brother, Journalism Must Light Up the Political Sky By Norman Solomon, December 05, 2013
Operation Agent Fury: The 1983 US Invasion of Grenada By Michael Green, December 05, 2013