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Amend the Federal Reserve: We Need a Central Bank that Serves Main Street By Ellen Brown, December 07, 2013
From Africa to the Middle East: How Western Powers Profit from Genocide By Keith Harmon Snow, December 07, 2013
Now that Madiba is Dead…: Remember to Remember that Icons created by Oppressors will Never Liberate the People By Ezili Dantò, December 07, 2013
France Doesn’t Want to be Left Out of “New Scramble for Africa” By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 07, 2013
US-Japanese Militarism and China’s Air-Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over Disputed Islets. Pretext for Another Pacific War? By Yoichi Shimatsu, December 07, 2013
Crocodile Tears: It was the CIA that helped jail Nelson Mandela By Brian Becker, December 06, 2013
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Threat to Iran’s Sovereignty. Regime Change from Within By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, December 06, 2013
Britain: Racism, Social Decadence and Moral Deterioration By Dr. Ismail Salami, December 06, 2013
U.S. Glorifies Nelson Mandela In Death. But Treated Him as a Terrorist While Alive. By Washington's Blog, December 06, 2013
Mandela Embodied the Victories and Failures of the South African Liberation Struggle By Glen Ford, December 06, 2013
Nelson Mandela: Obama, Clinton, Cameron, Blair – Tributes of Shameful Hypocrisy By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 06, 2013
Mandela Led Fight Against Apartheid, But Not Against Extreme Inequality By Prof. Patrick Bond, December 06, 2013
Nelson Mandela: Icon of Africa’s Liberation Struggle, Creation of the Real Movers and Shakers of the Global Scene By Mike Molyneaux, December 06, 2013
Ukraine: Orange Revolution 2.0? By Stephen Lendman, December 06, 2013
What’s Really Behind France’s Sudden Scramble to “Save Central Africa” By Andrew McKillop, December 06, 2013
The Toxic Impacts of GMO Maize: Scientific Journal Bows to Monsanto, Retracts anti-Monsanto Study By F. William Engdahl, December 06, 2013
CIA’s Global Shadow War: Hiring Private Mercenaries And Former Guantanamo Inmates By Pratap Chatterjee, December 06, 2013
Biotechnology, GMO and Scientific Analysis: The Powers of Corporate Manipulation By Colin Todhunter, December 06, 2013
The Struggle for Ukraine – Protests Made in Germany, America and the EU By Peter Schwarz, December 06, 2013
Terrorism is Largely US Imperialism’s Own Creation By Bill Van Auken, December 06, 2013