Latest News and Top Stories

Israel bans European NGOs by claiming they represent Hamas By The Palestinian Information Center, January 02, 2014
The Roots of the Crisis in South Sudan, Opening Salvos of the Arab Spring By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 02, 2014
Neoliberalism and the End of Shorter Work Hours By Christoph Hermann, January 02, 2014
‘Happy News Year’: Looking Beyond Top Stories to Examine Our News System By Danny Schechter, January 01, 2014
Greatest Threat To World Peace: The United States of America By Sarah Lazare, January 01, 2014
Thailand Protest Movement Plans to “Shut Down Bangkok” By Tony Cartalucci, January 01, 2014
Israel Ready to Invade Gaza. Planned Attack Would “Exact a Heavy Toll” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 01, 2014
Syria asks UN Security Council to Prosecute Turkey for Supporting Al Qaeda Terrorists By Press TV, January 01, 2014
Deregulating and Privatizing Postal Services in Europe By Christoph Hermann, January 01, 2014
Snowden reveals Massive National Security Agency Hacking Unit By Robert Stevens, January 01, 2014
Inconsistencies and Unanswered Questions: The Risks of Trusting the Snowden Story By Kevin Ryan, January 01, 2014
Is The NSA Quartering “Digital” Troops Within Our Homes? By Washington's Blog, January 01, 2014
The Destabilization of Africa. A Machiavellian Intrigue of Colossal Proportions By Carla Stea, January 01, 2014
The Most Radical Conservative Regime: Bolivia under Evo Morales By Prof. James Petras, December 31, 2013
Syria Insurgents are being Directed by NATO, Gulf Officers from a Secret Command HQ in Jordan By Global Research News, December 31, 2013
Iranian Parliament: Tehran Does Not Officially Recognize the Geneva-2 Talks on Syria By Global Research News, December 31, 2013
2014: A Special Message to Global Research Readers – Best Wishes for a Peaceful New Year By Global Research and Global Research, December 31, 2013
The Effects of Genetically Modified Foods on Animal Health By Rady Ananda, December 31, 2013
“Passport to Freedom”, World Government of World Citizens: Garry Davis vs. National Borders By Greg Guma, December 31, 2013
The NSA is Building the Foundation for a Global Police State By Eric Sommer, December 31, 2013