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Jordan Valley: Farming Under Occupation – “Settlements and Military Bases Control our Land” By Pierre Klochendler, January 16, 2014
“The Syrian Rebels have the Ability to make these Weapons”. MIT Study of Ghouta Chemical Attack Challenges US Intelligence By RT, January 16, 2014
Ariel Sharon: Beyond the Eulogies By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 16, 2014
Syria: Washington’s “Counterterrorism Agenda” Consists in Supporting the Terrorists By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 16, 2014
The Surveillance State. NSA Telephony Metadata Collection: Fourth Amendment Violation By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 16, 2014
Flawed Research Used to Attack Multivitamin Supplements By Global Research News, January 16, 2014
A Call for Justice: Free the Cuban Five By Netfa Freeman and Gregory Elich, January 15, 2014
US-Backed Islamic Terrorism: Dividing the Arab World, Weakening Russia and China By Olga Shedrova, January 15, 2014
South Sudan: When the Empire is Your Liberator, You’re Not Really Independent By Glen Ford, January 15, 2014
Thailand: Night of Terror as Regime Attempts to Break “Occupy Bangkok” By Tony Cartalucci, January 15, 2014
It’s Official: China Becomes Largest Trading Nation – Now What? By James Hall, January 15, 2014
The Burglary and COINTELPRO: How Citizen Action Exposed FBI’s Covert, Illegal Program to Crush Dissent By Margaret Kimberley, January 15, 2014
U.K. Cell Phone Study Points to Acoustic Neuroma, Not Brain Cancer By Global Research News, January 15, 2014
Public Lecture: The Global Economic Crisis, the IMF and the Middle East. Michel Chossudovsky at the National University of Singapore By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 15, 2014
Mass Protests Grow as Military Drags Egypt Back to Dictatorship By Roger Annis, January 15, 2014
NSA able to Target Offline Computers using Radio-waves for Surveillance, Cyber-attacks By RT, January 15, 2014
On Political Ethology and Backwardness in Vital Fields of Knowledge. How Progressives have been Outrun By André Avramesco, January 15, 2014
Climate Activists With Terrorist Charges for Protesting Oil and Gas Company Devon Energy By Richard Smallteacher, January 15, 2014
French Presidential Address: A Call for Austerity and Militarism By Alex Lantier, January 15, 2014
NSA’s Fake War on Terror By Stephen Lendman, January 15, 2014