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US Regime Change: “We initiate Terrorism to create Terrorists to Overthrow Governments” By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2014
New World Order Bureaucracies and the Rise of Impersonal Rule By Greg Guma, February 08, 2014
Do More to Prevent War. Reverse the Bipartisan Military Agenda By David Swanson, February 08, 2014
Fukushima Cesium-137 and West Coast Fishery: B.C. First Nations call for Radiation Tests By John Gleeson, February 08, 2014
Climate Change or “Climate Chaos”? Washington Freezes By David Lindorff, February 08, 2014
The Truth about the Iraq Bloodbath can’t be Covered Up by the Media indefinitely By John Pilger, February 08, 2014
Organ Smuggling: Turkish Hospitals Traffic Injured Syrian Citizens’ Organs By Les Blough, February 08, 2014
Spy Agency Launched False Flag Attacks and Used Honey Traps: Snowden By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2014
Spying and Social Control: U.S. Government Labels Dissent As Terrorism By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2014
How “Historic” Israel-Jordan Water Deal Leaves Palestinians High and Dry By Clemens Messerschmid and Muna Dajani, February 07, 2014
“Operation Afro-Dilution”: Michigan’s Plan to Flood Detroit with Upscale Immigrants By Glen Ford, February 07, 2014
When the CIA’s Empire Struck Back By Lisa Pease, February 07, 2014
The Real Face of the Economic “Recovery”: Mass Layoffs Hit North America, Europe and Japan By Kate Randall, February 07, 2014
US Regime-Change Operation in Ukraine Exposed in Leaked Diplomatic Phone Call By Patrick O'Connor, February 07, 2014
Washington Collaborates with Ukrainian Neo-Nazis By Eric Sommer, February 07, 2014
US-EU Clash on How to Install a Puppet Regime in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland By Global Research News, February 07, 2014
Washington’s Objective: Install a Political Puppet in Ukraine, “F— the EU” says Victoria Nuland in Leaked Tape By Global Research News, February 07, 2014
American Conquest by Subversion: Victoria Nuland’s Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to “Subvert Ukraine” By Global Research News, February 07, 2014
Thailand: The People Have Spoken – No Confidence in Regime or System By Tony Cartalucci, February 07, 2014
Should The Minimum Wage Be Raised? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2014