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Venezuela Coup? Gunfire, Clashes as 3 Dead in Violent Caracas Protest By RT, February 14, 2014
Korea: War and Forgetting on Jeju Island. “Who Controls the Past Controls the Future” George Orwell By John Pilger, February 14, 2014
British Home Secretary Waited Until Terror Suspect Was Abroad Before Stripping Citizenship By Alice K Ross and Patrick Galey, February 13, 2014
In the Darkness of Dick Cheney By Mark Danner, February 13, 2014
Duplicitous Geneva Diplomacy. “US Military Intervention in Syria if other Options Fail” By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2014
London Hunger Conference: Feeding the World or Feeding the Corporations? By Graciela Romero, February 13, 2014
What Makes Aaron Swartz a Hero? Defying a Corporate System which Stifles the Free Flow of Information. By Eric Draitser, February 13, 2014
Absurdities and Atrocities: The Threat of World War III By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 13, 2014
Influential Jewish Group Pushes New York Bill: Cut Funds to Academic Institutions Supporting Israel Boycott By Alex Kane, February 13, 2014
Hollande’s State Visit to Washington: France Embraces Global Neo-Colonialist War By Alex Lantier, February 13, 2014
European Parliament Kills Call to Protect Edward Snowden By Bill Van Auken, February 13, 2014
Boycott America, Not Russia By Margaret Kimberley, February 13, 2014
Freedom Charter is Key to New Struggle for South Africa By Glen Ford, February 13, 2014
US-UN Fears Assad Win in Free Syrian Election? By Daniel McAdams, February 13, 2014
Violation of International Law: Frozen Syrian Bank Assets Confiscated by EU, Transferred to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) By Global Research News, February 13, 2014
Russia’s “Save Ukraine” Memorandum: Prevent the Ukraine from “Going Fascist” By Global Research News, February 13, 2014
JPMorgan Vice President’s Death Shines Light on Bank’s Close Ties to the CIA By Pam Martens, February 13, 2014
Strange Color Revolution: More ‘Gay Protests’ at Russia’s Sochi Olympics By Patrick Henningsen, February 13, 2014
“Secret Deal” to Deliver US Hydraulic Fracking Gas to the Global Market By Steve Horn, February 13, 2014
The Mobsters of Wall Street. JPMorgan Chase, “Too Big to Jail” By Jim Hightower, February 13, 2014