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Follow Global Research on Twitter By Global Research and Global Research, April 04, 2014
The Politics of Empire: Presidential Rule by Deception – Obama, the Master Con-Man By Stephen Lendman, April 04, 2014
Fukushima: Radioactive Cancer Causing “Hot Particles” Spread all Over Japan and North America’s West Coast By Arnie Gundersen, April 04, 2014
Fukushima: Radioactive Dust Extends South to Tokyo-Yokohama, Nagoya By Arnie Gundersen, April 04, 2014
Currency Warfare? Russia should Switch to Single Ruble Payments System By Global Research News, April 04, 2014
Fukushima Nuclear Radiation: Japan Contaminated, “Realistic Estimate 60,000 km², Occupied by 46 Million People” By Dr. Helen Caldicott, April 04, 2014
Popular Discontent Grows with German Media lies in Ukraine Crisis By Anna Rombach, April 04, 2014
Ft. Hood Shooting Highlights Mental Illness Crisis in US Military By Jerry White, April 04, 2014
The Role of Fascism and the Oligarchs in Ukraine By Global Research News, April 04, 2014
The Media’s Disinformation Campaign on Ukraine: “There are No neo-Nazis in the Interim Government” By Prof. John Ryan, April 03, 2014
More Evidence U.S. Funds al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, April 03, 2014
NATO Maneuvers with Georgia and Ukraine, Threaten War with Russia By Alex Lantier, April 03, 2014
Al Qaeda: Friend or Foe? The US Cannot Have It Both Ways By Joachim Hagopian, April 03, 2014
CIA Torture and the Threat of Dictatorship By Patrick Martin, April 03, 2014
Reviewing James Petras’ The Politics of Empire: The US, Israel and the Middle East By Stephen Lendman, April 03, 2014
The MH 370 Tragedy. Deterioration of Relations between China and Malaysia By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 03, 2014
Egypt vs. The Muslim Brotherhood. Towards the Next Syria? By Tony Cartalucci, April 03, 2014
Barack Obama and Saudi Arabia: Behind the Scenes of the Visit By Igor Pankratenko, April 03, 2014
“Muslims behind the 9/11 Attacks.” The Official Story on the Murder of Osama Bin Laden By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 03, 2014
Africa Beware of Imperialism’s Fatherly Advice By Mark P. Fancher, April 03, 2014