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Israel’s Remote Occupation: Women Drone Jockeys Kill Gazans Remotely By Richard Silverstein, April 23, 2014
Follow Global Research on Twitter By Global Research and Global Research, April 23, 2014
Wall Street Greed and the Corrupt Global Banking Cartel: Too Big to Prosecute? Not for a California Jury By Ellen Brown, April 23, 2014
New York Times Propaganda Photos on Ukraine Exposed By Alex Lantier, April 23, 2014
Kiev Regime Orders Crackdown as US Steps Up Threats Against Moscow By Bill Van Auken, April 23, 2014
Bombing of Syrian Red Crescent Convoy Implicates NATO in War Crimes By Dr. Christof Lehmann, April 23, 2014
Propaganda alert: US and UN object to the holding of Presidential Elections in Syria By Cem Ertür, April 23, 2014
Secret Plan to Advance Global Internet Censorship. ISPs to Act as “Internet Police” By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
Preparing Ukraine for a Proxy War with Russia By Tony Cartalucci, April 23, 2014
Vladimir Putin: The Russian World is coming to Europe By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): When Foreign Investors Sue the State By Martin Khor, April 23, 2014
Earth Day Greenwash: Oil Conglomerates Sponsor Event Praising TransCanada’s Keystone XL Tar Sands By Steve Horn, April 23, 2014
Clean Up “America’s Secret Fukushima”, The US Abandoned Uranium Mines (AUMs) By Margaret Flowers, April 23, 2014
9/11 Truth: Courageous LAPD Whistle-Blower Michael Ruppert, Committed Suicide, Why? By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 23, 2014
The Rwanda Genocide Coverup: Twenty Years of Lies and Fabrications. The Anglo-Saxon Powers vs. France By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
Boston Marathon Bombing Timeline: Revised and Expanded By James F. Tracy, April 23, 2014
Saudi Arabia, France plan to disrupt Syria Presidential Election By Press TV, April 22, 2014
Ukraine Crisis: 300 German Intellectuals Support Putin, Criticize US-NATO Influence in Europe and Mainstream Media Propaganda By Global Research News, April 22, 2014
Anti-Semitic Fliers in Eastern Ukraine: Obama Endorses a Forgery, Supports Neo-Nazi Parties By Diana Johnstone, April 22, 2014
Eyewitness to the Syrian Rebellion: Late Father Frans Denounced a Violent “Opposition, Instigated and Paid by Foreign Interests” By John Rosenthal, April 22, 2014