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Abduction of 230 Girls in Nigeria by Terrorists: Building a “Humanitarian” Pretext for R2P Military Intervention? By Interventions Watch, May 08, 2014
CIA Front, USAID, “Spreading Democracy”, Gearing Up in Ukraine – Suharto II? By Scott Creighton, May 08, 2014
GMO Crops and Labeling: Barack Obama and the Monsanto Betrayal By Jon Rappoport, May 08, 2014
Vladimir Putin: “Authorities in Kiev should cease immediately military and punitive operations in southeast Ukraine” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, May 08, 2014
Painting the World Crisis: Challenging Academic Ideas By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, May 07, 2014
Police, Guns, Action – How Safe Were the Pilot Badger Culls? By Lesley Docksey, May 07, 2014
Europe’s 9/11: NATO Chief Compares Unification of Crimea and Russia with the “War on Terror” By Peter Schwarz, May 07, 2014
The Oldest Trick In the Book: Empire Pretends It Has to Launch Wars to “Defend” Itself By Washington's Blog, May 07, 2014
Gangster State America – Where Is America’s Democracy? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 07, 2014
Iraq: Sixty Nine Days In Fallujah General Hospital Emergency Department By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 07, 2014
Obama’s Bloodbath in Odessa: As Guilty as Anyone in Kiev By Mike Whitney, May 07, 2014
SIGN Petition: U.S. Hands Off Russia and the Ukraine By International Action Center, May 07, 2014
Russia Wants War! By Global Research News, May 07, 2014
Thai Regime Collapses – Preparing for the Fallout By Tony Cartalucci, May 07, 2014
The Kiev Putsch: Rebel Workers Take Power in the East By Prof. James Petras, May 07, 2014
Odessa Tragedy Planned by Authorities’ Representatives – Kiev Official By Ria Novosti, May 07, 2014
US Defends Role of Kiev Regime and Fascists in Odessa Massacre By Barry Grey, May 07, 2014
America’s Hidden Hunger Crisis By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2014
Nuclear Fuel Fragment from Fukushima Found in Europe By Washington's Blog, May 06, 2014
Robbing Main Street to Prop Up Wall Street: Why Jerry Brown’s Rainy Day Fund Is a Bad Idea By Ellen Brown, May 06, 2014