Latest News and Top Stories

Did the Federal Reserve Launder $141 Billion Dollars Through Belgium to Hide Massive Increase In Quantitative Easing? By Washington's Blog, May 20, 2014
Thailand: Intervention of Armed Forces By Tony Cartalucci, May 20, 2014
US-NATO Interventionism in Africa: Imperialists Host Conference on “Nigerian Security” in Paris By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20, 2014
Capitalism and “The Universal Religion” By Peter Dudink, May 20, 2014
What Drives The West’s Self-Destructive Belligerence? The “Reconstruction and Enlargement” of Europe. By Tony Cartalucci, May 20, 2014
Agents of Empire: Fostering Extremist Islam in Nigeria and Beyond By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 20, 2014
Militarist Bunkum. Arrogance and Hubris that Lead to War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 19, 2014
Monsanto Double Standards and the Crumbling “Scientific Myths” of the GMO Biotech Sector By Colin Todhunter, May 19, 2014
Judge for Yourselves: Popular Referendums or Not in East Ukraine? Are They “Democratic”? By GRTV, May 19, 2014
US Sends Warships to the Black Sea To “Monitor” Ukraine’s May 25 Elections By Global Research News, May 19, 2014
Global Finance is A Power Game. Political and Financial Alliances, The Big Six Banks By Nomi Prins and Lars Schall, May 19, 2014
Mobilizing Nuclear Bias: The Fukushima Nuclear Crisis and the Politics of Uncertainty By Kyle Cleveland, May 19, 2014
Britain: Activists Disrupt Construction of New Nuclear Weapons Factory By Global Research News, May 19, 2014
Understanding the U.S. War State By Prof. John McMurtry, May 19, 2014
Kiev Protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa Massacres – Leaked Tapes By RT, May 19, 2014
The Crisis in Ukraine. GR Dossier of More than 300 Articles By Global Research News, May 19, 2014
Syrian Elections: Democratic Reform Undermines US-NATO Agenda By Prof. Tim Anderson, May 19, 2014
Some 100 Syrian Workers Abandoned in The Rubble of Turkey’s Mine Disaster By Global Research News, May 19, 2014
Genetically Modified Foods Unsafe? GM Foods and Allergies By Jeffery M. Smith, May 19, 2014
South Africa: There’s No Turning Back By Socialist Project, May 19, 2014