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Graphic – Mass Execution of Iraqi Soldiers & Civilians by US Sponsored ISIS Terrorists By Global Research News, June 16, 2014
Stop the War in the Ukraine! Antiwar Appeal of Left Forces in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus By Socialist Project, June 16, 2014
NATO Allegations of Russian Tanks in Ukraine based on Fake Evidence By Alexander Flint, June 16, 2014
Kiev Regime Atrocities in East Ukraine: The Bombing of Slavyansk, “You kill women. You are killing children”. Video Evidence By Global Research News, June 15, 2014
Ukraine Neo-Nazis Trained by NATO to Commit Atrocities: NATO’s ‘Gladio’ Army in Ukraine By RT, June 15, 2014
The US-Australia Military Alliance against China By Mike Head, June 15, 2014
Corporate Criminality and the General Motors Ignition Cover-Up By Shannon Jones, June 15, 2014
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Chants ‘Putin – F**ker’ at Vandalized Russian Embassy in Kiev By RT, June 15, 2014
How Obama Lost Iraq and the War on Terror By Shamus Cooke, June 15, 2014
How Government and the Media Equate Political Dissent with “Conspiracy Theories” and “Home Grown Terrorism” By Joachim Hagopian, June 15, 2014
Web of Deceit: Bilderberg and Elite Powerbrokers Behind Britain’s Stealth Internet Censorship Policy By Matthew Butler, June 15, 2014
California’s Illusive Gas Shale Deposits of “Black Gold” By Dylan Murphy and Jo Murphy, June 15, 2014
Truth or Propaganda? Hollywood to Produce Film on Six-Day War Called ‘Jerusalem 67’ By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 15, 2014
Brazil’s Olympics and World Cup: Mega-Events and the Threat to Public Welfare By David Swanson, June 15, 2014
Washington’s Iraq “Victory” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 14, 2014
Ukraine Regime Claims Control of Key Port City By Patrick Martin, June 14, 2014
The Debacle in Iraq By Bill Van Auken, June 14, 2014
Resurgence of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Fuelled by Saudi Arabia By Zayd Alisa, June 14, 2014
Brazil: A World Soccer Cup for Corporations By Marta Molina, June 14, 2014
Climate Collapse and Near Term Human Extinction By Michael Welch, June 14, 2014