Latest News and Top Stories

Agricultural Pesticides Linked to Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders By Environmental Health Perspectives, June 27, 2014
Tweet This! The ISIS Terrorists and Social Media By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, June 26, 2014
“Free Market is the Secret to Happiness” – A Billionaires’ PR Initiative By Chris Young, June 26, 2014
Homelessness in the United States is a Crime of Neo-liberal Imperialism By Danny Haiphong, June 26, 2014
Haiti: Bill Clinton Receives “Lifetime Achievement Award” but Where is the Money for Reconstruction? By Greg Dunkel, June 26, 2014
Water Crisis in Detroit: Putting Corporate Profit Ahead of Human Rights By Blue Planet Project, June 26, 2014
Detroit Violating Human Rights by Turning Off Water Taps, UN says By Press TV, June 26, 2014
Detroit and Iraq: Plundered by the Same Bandits By Margaret Kimberley, June 26, 2014
Wall Street Hedge Fund Fraud Upheld by US Court: Argentina to Pay “Vulture” Fund $832 Million for Bonds Bought for $49 Million By Pratap Chatterjee, June 26, 2014
Iraq’s Depleted Uranium Threat: USA’s Deadly Legacy By John LaForge, June 26, 2014
Political Warfare and the History of Terrorism: The CIA’s Phoenix Program By Kevin Ryan, June 26, 2014
Hillary Clinton “Supports Women’s Rights”, Turns a Blind Eye to Extreme Crimes against Women By Robert Barsocchini, June 26, 2014
Evo Morales: “Our Liberation is for the Whole of Humanity”. For a Global Brotherhood Among The People By Evo Morales Ayma, June 26, 2014
The Chaos in Iraq is by Design. The Goal is to “Break up the Country” By Washington's Blog, June 26, 2014
Protecting the Environment: The Legal Battle over Keystone XL South and Flanagan South Tar Pipelines By Steve Horn, June 26, 2014
CNN’s “Yellow Journalism”: “Orwellian Newspeak” against the 9/11 Truth Movement By Craig McKee, June 26, 2014
Negative Economic Growth in America: A New Recession and a New World Devoid of Washington’s Arrogance? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 26, 2014
Israel’s Collective Punishment of Palestinians in Operation Brother’s Keeper – Lawyers Ask for British Intervention By Jews for Justice for Palestinians, June 26, 2014
New GMO Crops Tolerant to Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Herbicide Create Conditions for the Development of “Superweeds” By Brandon Keim, June 26, 2014
The Triumph of “Ukrainian Democracy”: Killing Civilians in Eastern Ukraine By Global Research News, June 25, 2014