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The CIA Spying Scandal and the Disintegration of American Democracy By Tom Carter, July 14, 2014
America: An Ordinary Nation Ruled by Greedy, Unjust, and Inhumane People By John Kozy, July 14, 2014
Pentagon and CIA Want to Keep ISIS Tweeting: Exploiting Social Media to Keep the Endless War on Terror Alive By Kurt Nimmo, July 14, 2014
The European Union in Crisis. The Geopolitics of Russia-EU Pipeline Corridors By Tony Cartalucci, July 14, 2014
Israel’s Atrocity and the West’s Ignorance. The Tide of Media Lies By Jamal Kanj, July 14, 2014
Ukraine’s Démarche Against Refugees – To Be Interned, Split and Forcibly Utilized as Soldiers By No Limit to Our Anger, July 14, 2014
Israeli Interior Minister: “The Goal of the Operation Is to Send Gaza Back to the Middle Ages”, “Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water” By Washington's Blog, July 14, 2014
Proof that NSA is Still Lying About Spying on Americans By Washington's Blog, July 14, 2014
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 14, 2014
Corporate “Labor Reform”: Proposals to Maximize Workplace Bullying By Prof. James Petras, July 13, 2014
Organic Food Higher in Antioxidants and Lower in Toxic Metals and Pesticides By Colin Todhunter, July 13, 2014
Israel’s Crimes against Humanity: 18 From One Family Killed In Gaza By Eva Bartlett, July 13, 2014
Al Qaeda-Linked Syria Group Enjoying USAID? You’ve Got to See This to Believe It By Sara Carter, July 13, 2014
The Illusion of Democracy in America. Rebellion Across the US against “Phony Democracy” By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, July 13, 2014
The Mass Protests in Brazil in June-July 2013 By Socialist Project, July 13, 2014
Israel’s Terror State and the Attack on the People of Gaza By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, July 13, 2014
Kiev Regime Launches “Total Assault” against East Ukraine Rebels By Christoph Dreier, July 13, 2014
Obama Administration Drops Investigation into CIA Spying on US Senate By Patrick Martin, July 13, 2014
Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine By Robert Barsocchini, July 13, 2014
“Battling Evils and Promoting the Ultimate Good”: What would a Psychiatrist Call this? Delusions of Grandeur? By William Blum, July 13, 2014