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The CIA’s Global Torture Operations: Disclosure under Barack Obama, the Most Secretive President in U.S. History By Joachim Hagopian, July 24, 2014
Not Just the Atlantic: Obama Leasing Millions of Gulf of Mexico Acres for Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling By Steve Horn, July 24, 2014
Media Coverup: US Played A Decisive “Behind the Scenes Role” in Israel’s Attack on Gaza By Jonathan Cook, July 24, 2014
Afghanistan’s Wartime Economy (2001-2014). The Devastating Impacts of IMF-World Bank Reforms By Siddieq Noorzoy, July 24, 2014
‘Disgustingly Biased’ – The Corporate Media On The Gaza Massacre By Media Lens, July 24, 2014
This is the Israeli Military Calling: “Civilizing War” Has Failed By David Swanson, July 24, 2014
Framing Russia? Fabricating a Pretext to Wage War: Flight MH-17 and “Operation Northwoods” By R. Teichmann, July 24, 2014
“Seeds Of Death” and Big Agriculture. Monsanto, Dupont, Sygenta By Dr. Gary Null, July 24, 2014
Is Israel’s Operation Protective Edge Really About Natural Gas? By Tascha Shahriari-Parsa, July 24, 2014
Fine Print of the Food Wars: Monsanto and Biotech Industry Pushing for World Food Monopoly Through Seed Supply By Dr. Vandana Shiva, July 24, 2014
In the Wake of Fukushima: “Why I Left Tokyo”? Eastern Japan Contaminated with Radiation. “Metro Tokyo Should no Longer be Inhabited” By Global Research News, July 24, 2014
US Intelligence on Malaysian Flight MH17: Russia Didn’t Do It. “US Satellite Photos do not Support Obama’s Lies” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 24, 2014
Haiti: Tourism Development on Île-à-Vache Island – Reconstruction or Another Disaster? By Jessica Hsu and Jean-Claudy-Aristil, July 24, 2014
Human Rights Watch (HRW) Whitewashes Israel, The Law Supports Hamas: Reflections on Israel’s Latest Massacre By Norman Finkelstein, July 24, 2014
Gaza: British Department for Business Blockaded over Military Contracts with Israel – Protestors Demand Military Boycott By Ian Dunt, July 24, 2014
Kiev Regime Massacre: Renewed Bombing and Shelling in Eastern Ukraine By Patrick Martin, July 24, 2014
US Intelligence Conceals Truth about Malaysian Jet Crash in Ukraine By General Leonid Ivashov, July 24, 2014
No End to Israeli War Crimes in Gaza: Targetting Schools and Hospitals By Global Research News, July 24, 2014
What are the Politics of the Crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17? By Alex Lantier, July 24, 2014
Suicidal Bombers Over Gaza In A World Coming Apart By Danny Schechter, July 24, 2014