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Israeli Army Summarily Executed Fleeing Civilians In Southern Gaza By Charlotte Silver, August 06, 2014
Crimes against Humanity in Donbass: Ukraine Government Uses Ballistic Missile against its Own People By Global Research News, August 06, 2014
Why Won’t Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 06, 2014
Gaza: A Ceasefire Agreement must be Based on International Law, respect for Human Rights By Global Research News, August 06, 2014
“Terror carried out by a Terrorist State”. Why Israel Wanted a Ceasefire Now? By Richard Becker, August 06, 2014
The “Stated Intentions” of the Israeli Government: If a Genocide Falls in the Forest. “Why are whole families being slaughtered?” By David Swanson, August 06, 2014
Gaza Massacre: Israel’s Reversion to Old Colonial Tactics By James Abourezk, August 06, 2014
Britain’s Israel Lobby, The Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) Pressures HM’s Goverment: Is David Cameron Complicit in War Crimes? By Anthony Bellchambers, August 06, 2014
Official Public Discourse in America: Censorship and Orwellian “Double Think”, “Publicity of the Unspeakable” By James F. Tracy, August 06, 2014
“It’s Raining Bombs and Shells”: A Doctor’s Notes From Gaza By Dr. Mona El-Farra, August 06, 2014
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Worst Terror Attacks in History By Norm Dixon, August 06, 2014
Australia’s Surveillance State By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 06, 2014
Switzerland is the Model for an Independent Republic of Scotland By Steven MacMillan, August 05, 2014
The Bombing of Nagasaki August 9, 1945. Unwelcome Truths for Church and State By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 05, 2014
US-Israeli Hypocrisy on Human Rights. Total Disregard for International Law By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, August 05, 2014
President Carter: Israel – Not Hamas – Is to Blame for War By Washington's Blog, August 05, 2014
How the Corporate Media Profit from Israel’s “Crime of Genocide” directed the People of Palestine By Joyce Chediac, August 05, 2014
Crimes against Humanity. Israel’s “Own Words”: “We Must Expel Arabs…We Struck Civilians Because They Deserved It” By Steven Chovanec, August 05, 2014
Israel’s Military Censors Demand ‘Prior Review’ of New York Times’ Gaza Reporting By Jon Queally, August 05, 2014
Israel’s Carnage and Wreckage of Gaza: Crimes, Victims and Witnesses By Jim Miles, August 05, 2014