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Obamacare Is A Disaster For Businesses, Philadelphia Federal Reserve Report By Zero Hedge, August 21, 2014
Cracking Down on Truth-Telling: Obama is “the Greatest Enemy to Press Freedom in a Generation” By Marcy Wheeler, August 21, 2014
US Operating on Both Sides of Syrian-Iraqi Border – Providing Cover for Terrorists in Syria; Fighting ISIS in Iraq By Tony Cartalucci, August 21, 2014
UK Police: Merely Watching James Foley Beheading Video May Be an Act of Terrorism By Paul Joseph Watson, August 21, 2014
Private Military Contractor with Experience in Iraq, Afghanistan Deploys “High Threat Team” in Ferguson By Mac Slavo, August 21, 2014
Attorney General Holder Backs Police-Military Siege in Visit to Ferguson, Missouri By Andre Damon, August 21, 2014
War Crime: Israeli Airstrike Kills Wife and Baby Son of Hamas Leader By Patrick Martin, August 21, 2014
U.S. Police State: Veteran International War Journalist’s First Arrest Happens in Ferguson Speech Crackdown By Robert Barsocchini, August 21, 2014
Kosovo and Ukraine: US-NATO Operations, Compare and Contrast By Neil Clark, August 20, 2014
Staged Provocations Ahead. Possible US-Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, August 20, 2014
Big Rail Cites Bin Laden, Al Qaeda to Fend Off Oil-by-Rail Route Transparency By Justin Mikulka and Steve Horn, August 20, 2014
“Western Media Neglect of Moscow’s MH17 Evidence is Shameful” By Nile Bowie, August 20, 2014
More NATO False Claims: Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Flounders By Renee Parsons, August 20, 2014
Comprehensive Data on Palestinian Deaths in Gaza (July 6 – August 17, 2014) By Global Research News, August 20, 2014
Ukraine Crisis Continues By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 20, 2014
Discovery Channel Show Glorifies Warfare Technology: Discovering the Hidden Politics in “Future Weapons” By Gouthama Siddarthan, August 20, 2014
The Real “Dirty Wars” in the Horn of Africa – “Expiration by Starvation” Sanctioned by the Obama White House By Thomas C. Mountain, August 20, 2014
Are the Rocket Attacks Which Break Israeli Ceasefires False Flags? By Washington's Blog, August 20, 2014
Ferguson and Racism in the US: The Occupation and Ethnic Cleansing of Africa-America By Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo and Kevin Berends, August 20, 2014
Iraq War: U.S. Argues Nuremberg “Irrelevant” to Immunity of Bush Officials By Global Research News, August 20, 2014