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Poroshenko’s Aide Names NATO Countries That Agree to Supply Weapons to Kiev By Ria Novosti, September 07, 2014
As in Libya, So in Syria: The Folly of US-NATO Interventionism By Ulson Gunnar, September 07, 2014
CIA Emails Expose “Access Journalist” at Work – LA Times/Associated Press Reporter or Covert CIA Spokesperson? By Jonathan Cook, September 07, 2014
The Islamic State: Who Is ISIS? An Open Source Investigation By James Corbett, September 07, 2014
Ireland on the Coattails of NATO By News Beacon Ireland, September 07, 2014
ISIS and War Propaganda: The Mainstream Media is Selling Fear to Control the Public By William C. Lewis, September 07, 2014
The Scottish Referendum: Decision on a Knife-edge By Lesley Docksey, September 07, 2014
NATO Attacks! By Pepe Escobar, September 07, 2014
Did Putin Just Bring Peace to Ukraine? By Mike Whitney, September 07, 2014
US Slammed For Failure to Fulfill Legal Obligation to “Eliminate All Forms of Race Discrimination” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 07, 2014
Guatemala Rejects U.S. Trade Law Protecting Monsanto and GMOs By Heather Callaghan, September 07, 2014
Aljazeera Questions Legitimacy Of Foley And Sotloff Beheading Videos By Kurt Nimmo, September 07, 2014
Perspectives on the Crisis in Ukraine: “The Old Cold War… is Not What we Thought it Was” By Michael Welch, September 07, 2014
NATO Summit: “Global Police Force” and “Readiness Action Plan” against Russia By Stephen Lendman, September 06, 2014
Health Impacts of “Smart Meters”. Florida Media Ignores Dangers of Exposure to Non-ionizing Microwave Radiation By James F. Tracy, September 06, 2014
The Tyranny of American Exceptionalism: Russia at the Fore of World Politics By Valery Fadeev, September 06, 2014
Members of the European Parliament call for Suspension of EU-Israel Association Agreement By Global Research News, September 06, 2014
Report from Donbass War Theater: Ukraine Government Forces Defeated Prior to “Cease Fire”. Kiev Switches To “Strategic Defense” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 06, 2014
The State of the Battle in Eastern Ukraine. Kiev Forces Defeated By Eric Zuesse, September 06, 2014
America’s Foreign Policy Script: False Flags, “Humanitarian Crises” and Russia’s “Phantom Tanks” By Caleb T. Maupin, September 06, 2014